Tempio del Brunello

Opera Laboratori Fiorentini

  • Opera Laboratori Fiorentini
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Interactive Installations
  • App Design
  • Video Production
  • Content Production

An immersive and emotional journey to discover one of the most famous red wines of the world

A single narrative thread unites the environments of Tempio del Brunello inside the former convent of Sant’Agostino in Montalcino.
A conceptual and emotional crescendo accompanies the visitor in the discovery of the peculiarities of Brunello di Montalcino and the territory in which it is born, of the work and passion that distinguish the protagonists of its history and its future evolution.

Tempio del Brunello aims to make Montalcino widely known in an articulate and profound way through a complete experience that from Brunello tells the story of the territory over the centuries in order to make the most of it.

The multimedia itinerary characterizes the interiors of the complex and introduces, with suggestions and memories, the aspects that have turned Brunello into one of Italy’s leading products: link with the territory, human commitment and care, production processes, stories and colors.

Brunello narrates itself to the visitor in an immersive and interactive experience: combining history and innovation, the journey culminates in an encounter with the wine that has made Montalcino famous throughout the world from the late 19th century to the present.

interno del tempio del brunello
Degustazione presso il tempio del Brunello nella parte finale del percorso presso Tempio del Brunello, il Digital Sommelier

From the choice of materials to the sounds and smells that accompany visitors from room to room: not a technological setup, but a true immersive path designed to make visitors experience an emotional climax.

The path

InChiostro, the first covered cloister of the former convent, is the starting point of the various experiential routes. Involo, in particular, is a series of special exhibits located in different Virtual Reality video stations that tell the story of Montalcino’s territory in 360° through evocative footage and 360° drone flights through hills, castles and art.

In the underground rooms accessed next, the hypogea, the noises of a cellar evoking the work of bottling welcome visitors by activating as they pass through thanks to special sensors. From here, one proceeds to the ancient stables of the Augustinian convent where a series of artwalls consisting of wall and floor monitors tell the story of the territory in the various declinations related to wine making. Next comes the room dedicated to the Voices of Brunello, which through interviews and original footage, rare archival materials and Computer Graphics, recounts this unique product in the words of the personalities who have lived its history.

foto di mezzo busto di una ragazza con visore all'intero del percorso museale del Tempio del Brunello, realizzato da ett, accanto varie postazioni in realtà aumentata
Donna in ombra davanti a uno schermo del Tempio del Brunello

The second hypogeum environment calls on visitors to experiment with their creativity: through stations with touch monitors it is possible to select the different colors that characterize the Montalcino “palette” to design a composition. Once created, this can be posted to a wall-mounted Artwall, joining the others in a mosaic of personal artistic compositions, and sent via e-mail.

The third hypogeal environment, through the projection mapping technique and an evocative sound design, will animate the vaults of the room.

The mobile app is a tool for guiding and enhancing the visit experience in its totality: the three suggested itineraries – Complex of St. Augustine, Montalcino, Territory – are intended to guide the visitor in the discovery of the places and their history. The app is designed to become an instrument of union between the outside and the inside, between the neighboring territories and the Complex of Sant’Agostino: each point of Interest is geolocated, and characterized by textual, audio, gallery, video or multimedia content cards, which complement the visit.

proiezioni immersive di ett nel Tempio del Brunello
enoteca all'interno del tempio del brunello, sulla parete una selezione di vini all'interno di nicchie rettangolari, al centro della foto un tavolo con degli schermi touch, uno per ciascuna seduta, interattivi

The encounter with Brunello will continue outside near the wine shop window. Through the app, in fact, it will be possible to answer a series of questions related to temperament and personality. At the end of the experience on the display case, a video related to the preferences expressed will be activated. At the same time, the app will present a series of labels connected with the visitor’s distinctive traits, so as to guide them in choosing the Brunello most in line with their personality.

Inside the Enoteca, the shelves will allow a new interactive experience, linked to the in-depth study of four macro-categories of wine. Visitors will be able to use their visit app to access additional content and videos that will enable them to better select and appreciate the wines on display.

These form an integral part of the exhibition, as they show visitors ever-changing and updatable compositions of images and videos, based on the types of bottles on display and periodicity. The augmented shelves allow visitors to scan QR codes, again via mobile app, and independently enjoy detailed content.

Once the desired bottle is purchased, stations with touch monitors allow visitors to carry out a professional tasting, accompanied by a real “digital” sommelier. Each type of wine is associated with a different NFC tag: once the tag is brought close to the reader next to the monitor, the wine tasting starts. Through an eye-catching infographic it will allow visitors to catch the gestures and rituals that accompany the tasting of a wine.

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