Nazario Sauro Pre-Show

Galata Museo del Mare

  • Galata Museo del Mare
  • Content Production
  • Serious game / Gamification
  • Video Production
  • Design / Manufacturing
  • Interaction Design

The immersive reconstruction of a submarine environment

The Nazario Sauro Pre-show of the Galata Sea Museam set up by ETT is a faithful reconstruction of a submarine environment, fitted with multi-touch monitors, where visitors interact with the virtual captain, learn about the history and life of the Nazario Sauro, discover on-board secrets and explore the interior.

The interactive multimedia tour system consists of several sections, each dedicated to a particular aspect of the submarine and life inside it. There are experience stations that allow the accredited visitor to test their knowledge and earn a diploma with the qualification corresponding to their achievements.

leggio interattivo all'interno della ricostruzione del sommergibile Nazario Sauro realizzata dal museo galata a genova
ragazza davanti allo schermo con audioguida pre-show nazario sauro

The tour involves visitors and combines knowledge with curiosity, fun and games. Included in the visit is an interactive course, with tests and simulations of shipboard activities, earning participants a “submariner’s diploma”.


The guided tour of the submarine begins with the captain’s video welcoming visitors and explaining the path to be followed to obtain a diploma at the end of the tour. After the captain’s greeting, visitors are accredited to interact with the multimedia stations and test their knowledge. A touch screen scrolls through the history of submarines, told through images and testimonials.

It continues with a section dedicated to describing the units of which a submarine is composed. Using touch technology and 3D construction of the Sauro’s technical drawings, visitors will be able to touch the different sections and rotate specific photos of individual components through 360 degrees.

From a lookout reconstruction of the submarine faithful to the original, a horizon sighting is simulated. Through a hatch, visitors enter an environment reconstructed on the original model of the submarine. Access, which is through a ladder, is the first extraordinary approach to the “Nazario Sauro.”

Archimedes’ principle explains how a submarine can submerge or surface as needed, filling or emptying the submarine’s ballast tanks, thus reaching the desired altitude.

A multitouch screen proposes the lives of the people who inhabited the submarine and the days spent at sea. With a simple touch on the screen, a typical day of a submariner is depicted, which you can explore down to the details.

The second test for the diploma: two periscopes equipped with virtual reality to observe and subsequently identify surface ships displayed on the horizon on connected touchscreens. The experience revolves around two periscopes, the original Nazario Sauro and a faithfully reconstructed one, within which a periscope view is reproduced using a 3D motor.

The third test involves listening and identifying targets through the hydrophone. This activity leads visitors to compare unknown noises with real sounds such as the marine environment, ships, whales, dolphins and many others.

The fourth test concerns the virtual driving of the submarine. The student submariner can test himself in various missions.

The tour is complete: on two touch-screen stations, visitors can answer a multiple-choice test and obtain a submariner’s diploma.

foto all'interno di un corridoio del sommergibile Nazario Sauro, ricostruzione del museo del mare galata. sulla sinistra delle teche con oggetti del capitano, schermi interattivi e cuffie attraverso cui descrivere la vita di Nazario Sauro
mani che utilizzano un totem touch presso il pre-show nazario sauro

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