Galleria Giannoni

Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Novara

  • Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Novara
  • Digital Strategy
  • Multimedia set-up
  • App Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Exhibition Design
  • Strategic Communication
  • Web Development

The historic Broletto complex underwent a restyling to enhance its spaces and make experiences related to works and collections accessible everywhere

ETT was in charge of re-imagining the spaces, the Visitor Experience, the communication and the image of Galleria Giannoni by applying hyper-contemporary communication, dissemination and layout strategies.

The work started with the graphic design project for the creation of the new logo, which was followed by the setting up and redesigning of the website. The logo emphasises a transformation: the strategic shift whereby, from a situation of reduced visibility, the City of Novara brings its wealth into focus, makes it accessible and shares it with the public.

quadro della battaglia di Kassala e mockup dell'app di visita realizzata da ETT per galleria giannoni
esterno delle gallerie giannoni a novara con cartellonistica dedicata all'evento

The exhibition spaces created were designed to be functional for the best possible visitor experience.

The set-up created for Galleria Giannoni involved both the ticketing area and the actual exhibition spaces.

In the ticketing area, in particular, was a vertical screen that enabled the display of highly dynamic communicative content, such as sound playlists. On the one hand, it discloses service information about hours and costs, and on the other hand, it promotes the use of the web platform that accompanies visitors during their visit to the Gallery. The entire user experience and the graphic and visual content of the screen were carefully designed to respond to the overall redesign of the Gallery.

Alongside the implementation of this display, another larger monitor was chosen to be installed to introduce the visitor experience in an engaging way. Here, visitors can explore a preview of the works on display through the “art details” game, which brings out intriguing details inviting exploration of the Gallery and the web platform.

The exhibition spaces created, on the other hand, were designed to be functional for the best possible visitor experience.

To enhance the statues, they were redesigned to create different walls, depending on the weight of the work. In addition, a traditional caption has been installed for each work, which can, however, be reconnected by means of an identification code to the web platform and the related multimedia consultation of the work. This caption is associated, in some cases, with a dynamic QR code related to extra, interactive content that can be used by the visitor’s smartphone. The additional audio narrative layer includes a combination of music tracks, read alouds, ambient sound, as well as interesting and valuable curatorial comments and interpretations.

manifesto verde di Galleria Giannoni e app realizzata da ETT con QR code in primo piano
smartphone da cui esce una parete di galleria giannoni in realtà aumentata

ETT also realised the poster design for the Mistery Artworks campaign and the entire institutional communication campaign of Galleria Giannoni

Printed on outdoor banners, on panels in the ticket office entrance and in exhibition spaces, “Mystery Artworks” is a graphic concept depicting paintings and sculptures made “indecipherable” through a blurring effect. By framing the associated QR code with their smartphone, visitors can discover its contents with an animation that progressively brings the focus back to the depicted subject.

The new web platform of Galleria Giannoni is a real new tool for communicating with visitors, starting from the pre-visit phase, up to soliciting curiosity for updates in the post-visit phase.

The platform has a multilingual structure and is designed to comply with accessibility regulations. It collects all the richness of Galleria Giannoni’s content, cataloging the works by tags, narrating the stories about them and proposing the virtual interaction activities, without imposing any kind of download to the visitor.

Using the QR code, in addition to the audios usable from smartphones, by connecting directly with the web platform it is possible to discover information and details about the work and others by the same author, following dedicated audio guides. Three different exhibition routes (short route, full route, gems) have been developed that can be enjoyed in a hybrid way between online and physical: visitors accessing the Gallery can embark on a fully interactive and personal journey through the space, accompanied by the web platform.

Five works are designed to be enjoyed through augmented reality, while other sections of the platform, on the other hand, are able to seamlessly integrate the physical and virtual visiting experience. This is the case with the scanning of the work via QR code: next to the audios usable from smartphones, opening the description of the work from the web platform makes it possible to discover other works by the same author and dedicated audio guides.

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