7 passi nella sostenibilità

Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza

  • Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Design / Manufacturing
  • Interactive Installation
  • Interaction Design
  • Serious game / Gamification

Edutainment to tell 8- to 13-year-old-young-site managers and curious adults about sustainability

2 halls, 7 steps, 7 accessible interactive environments

7 Passi nella Sostenibilità is a temporary exhibition hosted at Città della Scienza, a science promotion and popularization area located in the Bagnoli neighborhood of Naples. The exhibition consists of interactive exhibits where Visitors can build their own “Green House” and, at the end of the journey, receive their sustainability score.

Using an informal and playful edutainment approach, it was decided to proceed the exploration of the environments by proposing arole playing-gamethat allows young visitors to identify with the designer, the one who asks the questions, ponders the answers and reflects on the consequent actions.

The route includes seven interactive stations. From the first, each player will be associated with a Construction Manager badge characterized by a different NFC tag. From time to time, the latter will be intercepted by readers housed at each station. Thanks to this mechanism, in addition to activating the experience, the player will be able to accumulate the different scores that added together will help determine the sustainability rate associated with their construction.


Sala di città della scienza
allestimento realizzato da ett di 7 passi nella sostenibilità

The path

The show starts here! is the introductory station where you can select the game language (Italian or English) and create your own Avatar, with a distinctive and personalized name, features and accessories, associating it with your badge.

Architectural Choices, the first station, tests the player’s ability to think in a planning and forward-looking manner through the initial selection of building features, such as location (in relation to essential goods and services, green areas, etc.) and orientation.

The Building Structure, the second area also featuring a Touch Monitor, features different samples of building materials. Each material is associated with an NFC tag that, once read, will allow further thematic insight, useful for making the most appropriate choice for your building.

The building envelope is the environment in which the player, in addition to ensuring aesthetic quality, reasons about the merits and drawbacks of exterior facades. In addition to the Monitor Touch and the NFC tag reader, this exhibit features another station, consisting of a Monitor Slider, installed to allow further insight into the different surfaces, useful for choosing the option most in line with the building designed so far.

The last station in the first room, The Fixtures features a focus on building heat loss, the choice of which will affect consumption and possible waste of resources.

First area of the second room, Heating and Cooling, encourages the player to reason about the energy consumption of homes, both in terms of environmental resources and in economic terms.

The last interactive station, on the other hand, is dedicated to Home Automation. Deeply differentiated from the others, it is designed to present a reconstruction of a building facade, characterized by light bars. Each of these corresponds to a different device, possibly controllable via Internet connection. Thanks to an additional Touch application developed for the area, players can thus choose which elements to automate within their sustainable building.

The path ends with an exhibit dedicated to the creation of a virtual leaderboard, where each player will be able to find out the accumulated score, and, consequently, the Sustainability Rate of the designed building.

schermata per la scelta dell'avatar all'interno dell'allestimento di 7 passi nella sostenibilità per la città della scienza

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