
Zètema Progetto Cultura s.r.l.

Our services

Content Production
Augmented Reality 
Virtual Reality

The Ara as it was

The first systematic enhancement in augmented reality and virtual reality of one of the most important masterpieces of Roman art. After the great success of the first three months of programming, with 11 thousand visitors, the itinerary has been enriched with even more immersive and engaging solutions.

Museo Ara Pacis

An immersive experience in the History of Roman Art

Visitors can now assist to the storytelling about Ara Pacis and Origins of Rome with Virtual and Augmented Reality

immagine del video 360 realizzato da ETT per l'Ara com'era con sacrificio presso l'ara
ara pacis vr

An exciting virtual exhibition

Just wear the visor to enter the story

ricostruzione a colori di una parte dell'ara pacis
visitatori con visore di realtà virtuale presso l'ara pacis

Archeology becomes contemporary

Claudio Parisi Presicce, Director of the Archaeological Museums Department

locandina del'Ara com'era, progetto di ett, su una pensilina dell'autobus
Statue romane


Ara Pacis Museum

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