
Regione Siciliana

our services

Virtual reality
Interaction Design
Immersive Projections
Touch Technology
App mobile

Risparmia l'acqua - Saving water

Immersive technologies to inform, sensitise and educate on the good practice of water saving

bambino che prova la Realtà Virtuale accanto al logo di risparmia l'acqua
Virtual reality and immersive technologies are valuable allies in the information, education and awareness-raising campaign wanted by the Sicilian Region on the conscious use of water. During the Sicilian roadshow, which began in October 2022 and ended at the end of the year, ETT was able to bring around and show the immersiveness of an experience – between VR, gamification and touch screens – capable of bringing the public closer to the theme of water saving. Thanks to the use of new technologies developed and provided by ETT, the visitor is guided through a highly educational path on responsible water consumption, stimulating individual and collective awareness of the need to change daily behaviour through the acquisition of the concept of a limited resource. Completing the experience is a mobile app that aims to provide citizens with a new model of agile, intuitive and recognisable communication that presents various tabs to guide the user towards more careful and aware consumption.
Il van di Rispoarmio idrico,

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