Palazzo Rosso - Model of Via Garibaldi

Municipality of Genoa

  • Municipality of Genoa
  • Accessibility
  • 3D production
  • Digitalisation
  • Interaction Design
  • Sound Design

A multisensory journey that allows everyone to walk the famous Via Aurea of the Genoese

Pagine iniziale del percorso multimediale relativo alla Via Aurea a palazzo rosso dove ETT ha realizzato un percorso multisensoriale
Modellino della via aurea presente a Palazzo Rosso realizzato da ETT

The project encourages facilitated enjoyment of artistic and cultural heritage in a highly inclusive and accessible logic.

From the entrance of Palazzo Rosso, a pod-tactile path guides blind people to the information point and to the room on the ground floor, which houses the multisensory sensory model, dedicated to tactile exploration combined with synchronized audio and LIS video guidance.

The model reproduces Strada Nuova – today Via Garibaldi – towards the end of the 16th century thanks to the use of scans, 3D prints and a sensorialised typhlodidactic copy that allows all visitors – including the blind, visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing – to delve into the history and architecture of the period, grasping its layout and delving into the individual buildings that make it up.

Tourists and locals alike find a 3D representation, with sensorised facades. By touching them, one has the possibility, via the multimedia screen, to enjoy content in which the history of the buildings in that era is told.

Through 3D scanning and 3D printing, a sensorized tiflodidactic copy (special education for the visually impaired) of the model was created, dedicated to tactile exploration combined with synchronized LIS audio and video guidance. Audio content is activated upon contact with various elements of the model, identified as POIs (points of interest).
Simultaneously, subtitled LIS content is activated on a large monitor, accompanied by a graphic effect that selectively highlights the selected Palace. To enhance Palazzo Bianco and Palazzo Rosso, which are not explored in depth in the model as they are not present in the street layout represented by the model, two tactile maps have been installed on the walls of the room that faithfully reproduce the facades of the two buildings and are available for haptic exploration. In addition, by touching the facades, an audio and video contribution with LIS interpreter focusing on the two buildings can be heard and seen.

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