Haydn VR Experience

Haydn Stiftung Foundation

  • Haydn Stiftung Foundation
  • Accessibility
  • Exhibition Design
  • Digital Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Video Production

A Virtual Reality experience designed for a mobile exhibit in which new listening experiences and interaction with the Haydn Foundation’s musical heritage can be enjoyed

An immersive room where you can experience virtual reality by wearing a visor with a 360° subjective view, and assume the privileged point of view of the orchestra leader, then find yourself in the theatre with the musicians waiting for a nod to start playing F. J. Haydn’s Symphony No. 94 The Surprise.

This is the focus of the new VR Experience designed and realised by ETT.

The exhibit consists of a virtual podium, set up with an amplification system and HTC Vive visors, complete with hand-held controllers, with which the user steps into the shoes of a conductor and simulates conducting a concert. Once the VR visor is on, visitors can immerse themselves in the subjective, 360-degree visualization of the orchestra. The duration of the experience is about 4 minutes, plus a tutorial phase to illustrate the operation of the exhibit, until about 6 minutes in total, an introductory video with information about the piece that will be conducted by the user, taken from F. J. Haydn’s Symphony No. 94 The Surprise.

To prepare for the 4 minutes as a Conductor, the user trains by using the viewer controller to simulate hand movement, determining and modifying the speed of performance, to learn how to perceive rhythm, learn about the various sections of the orchestra, and identify the instruments that bring wonderful harmony to life. The first step is the selection of the hand with which to carry out the experience. The other hand, without a controller, can move freely without any effect on what is happening. When the baton is displayed, a quick practice begins, until the software judges the gesture as correct. Next, the user enters the theater, in the Foyer: he hears the orchestra tuning in the distance and is welcomed and escorted into the dressing room. The sound of instruments gradually gets closer and closer. He is then called onstage, the doors open, and he reaches the stage entrance. The user now stands in place with the orchestra ready in front. The experience begins and the user/director is ready for the concert.

The location is complemented by a specially installed 55” Monitor, which allows the user to observe the VR experience in real time, in order to engage not only those who are experiencing the experience, but to intrigue the people waiting as well.

An Audio System will also allow people to hear the result of the conducting usable in VR.

Immagine vr dell'orchestra haydn dalla prospettiva del direttore d'orchestra

An accessible experience

The exhibit is aimed at creating a multisensory experience that is able to prioritize listening over just watching the concert.

The installation is also made accessible to an audience with sensory disabilities: visually impaired audiences can enjoy the experience in fully acoustic mode, perceived at 360°, while audiences with auditory fragility, thanks to the use of VR viewers, can immerse themselves visually and emotionally in the role of the Conductor.

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