Interactive totems

Genova Parcheggi

  • Genova Parcheggi

  • Graphic Design
  • Interaction Design
  • App Design
  • Interactive Installation

A fast and intuitive system to pay for parking spaces and notices, renew permits without queues or difficulties

Completely redesigned User Experience and User Interface

A new system developed by ETT provides a range of services to the public with a view to digitising processes and streamlining over-the-counter practices. IIn particular, through a number of interactive totems located around the city, the public can find out about restricted access areas (e.g. ZTL) in the city of Genoa, renew subscriptions and pay for notices. The system consists of multimedia touch totems and an app developed ad hoc by ETT. The graphic design, the User Experience, as well as the User Interface and the application software to manage the system were developed by ETT.

The application interfaces with the peripheral devices in the totem, namely: a POS for payment by credit card, a barcode and QR code reader, and a thermal printer for issuing payment receipts.

i totem di genova parcheggi con l'app appositamente sviluppata da ETT
totem di genova parcheggi con l'app appositamente sviluppata da ETT

The application has three main functionalities: Information Area; Subscription Renewal Payment Area; Notice Payment Area. The application was customised for Genova Parcheggi on the basis of a careful usability study and functional analysis.

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