
Italian Ministry of University and Research

our clients

Content Production
Game Design
Interaction Design


Game-based experiences for the enhancement of Cultural Heritage

Bambino che visualizza una tartaruga spuntare da un tablet, un nuovo modo di fruire di esperienza game-based, con logo del progetto Culturgame, di cui ETT è partner, in basso a destra
Developing game-based solutions for cultural and scientific enhancement: this is the aim of the CulturGame project, which links technology with elements of engagement and dissemination. The project consists of five game-based solutions linked to the enhancement of historical and archaeological heritage, scientific popularisation and awareness of the ecology of aquatic environments. For each of the three areas, a demonstrator site will host the game in its on-site version. A single platform will allow access to the off-site version of each solution.
Disegno di Blu, personaggio inventato che rappresenta l'ecosistema marino, e che è la mascotte del progetto di ricerca Culturgame, un'esperienza game based per la valorizzazione dei beni culturali, di cui ETT è partner
Funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Culturgame explores the potential of video games to improve the relationship of museums with their audiences, both on-site and off-site. The practical outcome of the project will be the production of five game-based solutions for three Italian museums (National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Zoological Station Anton Dohrn of Naples and Museum of the University of Sassari) contributing to the dissemination of three different areas of knowledge. For each of the three areas (archaeology, science, ecosystems), a demonstrator site will host the game in its on-site version, while a single platform will allow access to the off-site version of each solution, with games that can be downloaded to one’s own device or played online.

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