Casanova Museum & Experience

Fondazione Casanova

  • Fondazione Casanova
  • 3D Production
  • Content Production
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Brand Identity
  • Graphic Design
  • App Design
  • Video Production

An immersive exhibition dedicated to Giacomo Casanova – author, adventurer and timeless seducer

Casanova was a scientific author, biographer and fine novelist, but also an incurable seducer, traveller, lover of games and music: thanks to technology and virtual reality, the visitor also comes into contact with the lesser-known aspects of the character and the world in which he was a protagonist.

A virtual museum for 18th century Venice

Interactive installations, video projections and a room dedicated to virtual reality with 20 VR stations allow visitors to learn about Casanova’s inexhaustible curiosity for life and the arts, to identify with the character and experience his exciting adventures first-hand, immersed in a 360° subjective video in the Venice of the period. The hologram of the world’s most famous Venetian completes and maximises the emotional impact of the exhibition at the Museo Casanova.

proiezione immersiva presso il Casanova museum & experience
libro interattivo presso il casanova museum & experience
The museum concept that inspired “Casanova Museum & Experience” envisages the experiential and emotional involvement of the visitor who, thanks to the multimedia and interactive exhibition set up by ETT, becomes the protagonist of Casanova’s story. With an ambience evocative of an 18th-century theatre set, the Museum tells a story of dynamism and versatility that unfolds through SEI rooms conceived as individual narrative units and enriched with state-of-the-art technology.

A multimedia exhibition centred on interaction with the public and experientiality: stage sets and virtual reconstructions alternating with immersive and interactive environments, moments of collective viewing and individual enjoyment, ensuring different levels of experience and involvement for the visitor.

Immersive rooms are recreated through large immersive projections, where state-of-the-art technology allows one to participate in historical conversations as if they were taking place in real time. These are not filmic footage, but philological reconstructions of characters and environments through recreated and projected life-size images, virtually recreating a period setting.

Visors in a room in the museum allow visitors to feel like Casanova in the atmosphere of 18th-century Venice: real locations and real actors ensure that every scene is perfectly realised.

The app created for the Casanova Museum & Experience aims to tell the story and the different ‘souls’ of Giacomo Casanova through the experiential and emotional involvement of the visitor who becomes the protagonist of 18th century Venice.

Through a story in images narrated in the first person virtually by Casanova, one ventures into the circles of 18th-century high society, conversing about philosophy with Voltaire, political intrigue with Madame de Pompadour or listening to an opera by Mozart.

The visitor experiences Casanova’s adventures at first hand from a storytelling that is told and unfolded in the museum’s 6 thematic rooms. Thanks to innovative indoor solutions, interaction modes vary according to the technological solutions adopted.


A kaleidoscopic, immersive installation welcomes the visitor. By mirroring himself, he will be able to see multiple versions of himself, recalling the multifaceted nature of the figure of Casanova and the complexity of each of us. The video projection and the images in the corridor (made of graphically backlit fabric set with texts), illustrating views of places, letters and portraits, recount the birth and emergence of Casanova’s talent. Moving on to the second room, the visitor is enraptured by the ‘magic painting’, an animated projection of Canaletto’s ‘Il Canal Grande verso Rialto’.


Casanova’s travels and life are recounted through a wall projection and a set of semi-transparent wings with graphics inspired by 18th-century theatre that, with the aid of controlled lighting, evoke some of the places – London, Madrid, Rome, Moscow, Paris, Vienna – touched by Casanova during his incredible life.


This is the room dedicated to the virtual reality experience with 20 VR stations where visitors can experience Casanova’s adventures first-hand. Thanks to a 360° video shot in subjective view, we retrace the salient stages of that period: from his return to Venice to his relationship with Zuane Matteo Bragadin, from the glories of the salons to his arrest and finally his escape and enlistment in the pay of the Republic.


As we move into this room, we find ourselves immersed in 18th-century Venice of fun and games, an important aspect of Casanova’s life, thanks to the animated video projection of Pietro Longhi’s painting “Il ridotto di Venezia” depicting the cosmopolitan and frivolous customs of the Serenissima. One room brings back to life the atmospheres and literary suggestions of Casanova as a scientific, biographical author and fine novelist, also thanks to the interactive wall video projection “the installation of the sheets”, which reveals the lesser-known side of Casanova as a writer à la page and of modern taste.


A circumscribed environment that, through a double video projection and a system of wings, alternates images with film stills, offering the visitor an overview of the vast film production on Casanova.


This is the room dedicated to Casanova, a fine connoisseur of the feminine soul, which faithfully reproduces an 18th-century alcove to bring to life the amorous suggestions of the famous adventurer, thanks to a system of video projections and a play of light and shadow. At the same time, the visitor will discover the world of fashion of the time with its revolutions and innovations thanks to the presence of original clothes and elements, graphed cloths with reproductions and an interactive mirror. This concludes the visit with a high emotional impact: the greeting of Giacomo Casanova himself, made possible thanks to the hologram technique.

proiezione all'interno del museo di casanova, sulla destra una locandina
stanza all'interno del museum casanova experience

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