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locandina del festival del metaverso II edizione, sulla destra il busto di un ragazzo nella penombra mentre utilizza il visore, in alto i loghi dell'associazione nazionale giovani innovatori, parlamento europeo ufficio di collegamento in italia, fondazione compagnia di san paolo

Virtual Reality and immersive worlds: the challenges of audiovisual innovation in culture, education and entertainment”. A panel in which Giovanni Verreschi will participate on October 10th in Turin during the Metaverse Festival, an event organised by ANGI, Associazione Nazionale Giovani Innovatori (National Association of Young Innovators).

 This year’s Metaverse Festival, held at Nuvola – La Lavazza in Turin, will feature 60 speakers, 20 partners and over 500 spectators. Focusing on the role of young people, the digital economy and social networks, the event aims to bring together all the big tech players, start-ups and young opinion leaders in one day to illustrate the new trends in digital communication.

The Metaverse theme will be approached from different viewpoints. Mobility, sport, health and care, environmental protection and business, innovation transforming public administration and, as in the panel where Giovanni Verreschi will speak, audiovisual innovation challenges between culture, education, entertainment and immersive experiences with La Divina Commedia VR. Among the other guests on the panel: – Carlo Rodomonti – Rai Cinema – Lorenzo Cappannari – Another Reality – Alessandro De Grandi – Nemesis – Stefano Tropiano – Museo del cinema di Torino

 To register and attend, visit the event page