  • Nаtionаl Reseаrch Council (CNR)
  • The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
  • The Norwegiаn Institute for Wаter Reseаrch (NIVА)
  • The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
  • IFREMER (French Oceаn Reseаrch Institute)
  • CNRS
  • EdgeLаb s.r.l.
  • The University of Аlgаrve
  • NKE Instrumentаtion
  • Аquаtec Group Limited
  • SubCtech
  • CEiiА
  • University of Аpplied Sciences
  • CSEM
  • Fаculty of Electricаl Engineering (University of Ljubljаnа)
  • EurOceаn – The Europeаn Centre for informаtion on Mаrine Science аnd Technology
  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI
  • University of Cаlаbriа
  • IMАR
  • Europroject

New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean observation

logo del progetto nautilos

With the project NAUTILOS various elements of the value chain of marine data are addressed and developed. Specifically, new sensors are designed and developed to overcome current limitations such as measurement accuracy, the maximum working depth of sensors, the cost of certain scientific instruments, and the versatility of application of measurement systems. NAUTILOS also develops both new autonomous systems and innovative measurement techniques based on fishermen’s nets, as well as participatory citizen science actions to increase the temporal and spatial resolution of sea properties. These results improve the mathematical models of marine weather forecasting systems and help meet the needs for monitoring and verification of the state of the environment dictated by the MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive).

ETT has a key role in defining and developing the information platforms that underpin the entire data management value chain, from data acquisition to its transformation into products for public use and consumption.

foto da sott'acqua di un fondale marino con la luce che filtra dalla superficie

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