Villino Favaloro Regional Museum of Photography

Webgenesys S.p.A.

  • Webgenesys S.p.A.
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Graphic Design
  • Exhibition Design
  • Content Production
  • Video Production
  • App Design
  • Brand Identity
  • Interactive Installation

Starting with the definition of its visual identity, ETT has set up the Villino Favaloro Museum of Photography, promoting the history of photography and combining traditional museum language with digital and interactive technology

Technology dialogues with the exhibition elements, enhancing the contents for an authentic experience: the mobile guide App accompanies visitors through rooms and transversal themes, panels with QR codes narrate places and characters, enriching the visit with an engaging digital component.

Artificial intelligence, placed in the Exhibit on 19th century cartes de visite, introduces the visitor to a new experiential plane.
The immersive projection dedicated to photography recounts how life and history – private memories – become a shared heritage through the preserved photographic images.

proiezioni immersive sulle pareti, al centro una donna di spalle che le osserva, all'interno del museo regionale della fotografia villino favaloro
macchina fotografica antica e totem touch all'interno del museo regionale della fotografia di villino favaloro

The exhibition makes accessible a careful selection from the historical photographic archive of the Regional Inventory Centre: negatives and positives on plates and film dating from between 1854 and 1970.

Albums belonging to families of the Sicilian aristocracy and upper middle class with which to interact through art walls, interactive touches and reconstructions.

From the mezzanine floor to the first floor, visitors are guided through the origins of photography, the European Grand Tour – which allows users to interact with a digital map of Sicily -, the relationship between photography and painting, up to the collections of the Sicilian photographers Incorpora, Interguglielmi and Bronzetti.

all'interno del museo regionale della fotografia villino favaloro due persone osservano le proiezioni sulla parete davanti a loro
villino favaloro

The exhibition route:

Room D – The Origins of Photography

A multimedia exhibit with a sequence of videos narrates the evolution of photography and the first photographic techniques.

Room E – Grand Tour

A touch lectern and an interactive digital map of Sicily show important historical stages through images and quotations.

Room F – Naturalism and Pictorialism

A video wall rediscovers the relationship between photography and painting, relating images of paintings and photographs, offering a perspective on the Pictorialism movement.

Room G – The Sicilian Society

A wall monitor provides access to two separate sections: Tableau vivant and the Scrapbook.

Room N – Sicilian Society – The Age of the Florios

An interactive desk lets you delve into digitised images and create unique stories through an immersive game.

Room M – The Cartes de Visite and Portraiture

A touch monitor through which to explore a digital collection of historical photographs and reflect on their role in the modern age of social networks.

Room 1 and Room 2

Vintage films with archive footage to immerse oneself in the 1931 train journey from Verona to Palermo and the inauguration of the Palermo-Italy Belgian tramway line.

Room M – Architectures of Palermo through Time

Discover Palermo from 1900 to today and relive the city’s history through its architecture, using ‘scroll and discover’ technology on an interactive touch screen.

Room Q – Immersive Room

An immersive projection dedicated to photography as a language of life and history, with archive images and original music adding emotion to the experience.

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