
Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology

  • Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology
  • Content Production
  • Serious game / Gamification
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Digital Strategy
  • 3D Production
  • App Design

A space installation for the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan

The space installation in the Science Technology Museum in Milan is a combination of highly innovative technologies and design solutions. This combination allows the exhibition to stand alongside the most modern standards of museum storytelling and to ensure a strong involvement of visitors.

donna di schiena davanti a postazione MUST interactive pad che interagisce e schermo che riproduce via lattea, allestimento multimediale di ett

Thanks to the multimedia and interactive solutions developed by ETT – such as the guide app, touch technology, sensors, etc. – a gamification process comes to life. – a gamification process comes to life that will make the visitor experience exciting, thus enhancing the learning process which becomes more effective and stimulating.

Among the exhibits, OBSERVING SPACE features numerous touch monitors that allow visitors to intuitively and quickly enjoy the many multimedia contents made available to them. The two most innovative and exciting interactive stations are:

  • OBSERVE AND REPRESENT: visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the activity of studying and observing celestial bodies as it was carried out by early astronomers via two monitors, including one touch screen. They will be invited to observe the Moon or Mars and reproduce them directly on the touch monitor. At the end of their work, they will be able to compare their representations with those made by real astronomers of the past (Schiaparelli, Galileo) and share them on their Smartphone.
  • INSTRUMENTS: In this station, twin in configuration to the previous one, visitors will be able to simulate the observation of different celestial bodies by choosing both the observation point and the instrument with which to observe them. All the views obtained can be shared by visitors directly from the touch station.

GOING INTO SPACE, on the other hand, is the exhibition area dedicated to man’s conquest of space and the great impact this has had on mankind. The four most engaging stations are:

  • SPACE FOR THE COSMO: an interactive station is made up of an interactive touch console and a Led that allows visitors to travel through space, choosing between several destinations: reaching the International Space Station, travelling to the Moon or visiting all the planets in the solar system.
  • PLAYING WITH SPACE: an edutainment station consisting of 5 tablets that allows visitors to learn, through engaging games, about astronauts’ clothing, different types of satellites and other interesting space-related topics.
  • SATELLITE GAME TABLE: one of the most spectacular interactive stations is the Satellite Game Table positioned under a section of a real Vega launcher. This station, consisting of 4 touch monitors and an LCD screen, hosts a truly complex and exciting game through which visitors will be able to simulate real space missions.
  • IMMERSIVITY AND EMOTION: visitors will be able to see the ISS dome (reconstructed to realistic proportions), watch a rocket launch, or observe the Earth from the Moon. Thanks to interactive touch stations, visitors will be able to explore numerous topics: discover everyday life on the ISS, view unique documents on the Apollo missions or study everything that the discovery of space has meant for our society.

MuseoscienzApp, the museum’s official visitor app, is at the same time an aid for visitors in finding their way around the museum’s many exhibition sections, a vehicle for enjoying special content that adds to the experience, a support that acts as a guide on themed or targeted routes through the collections, and finally an up-to-date calendar of the activities and appointments that the museum offers its visitors every day. The entire exhibition area of the Museum is in fact mapped thanks to the positioning of more than 300 beacons, but can also be used before the visit, to see the calendar of activities, navigate the map of the Museum and read all the presentation cards for each section or point of interest in the Museum. During the visit or after the visit it is possible to download and save additional contents of the routes.

mano che tiene un cellulare con schermata dell'Applicazione MUST, realizzata da ett, per il museo nazionale scienza e tecnologia leonardo da vinci

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