
Supporting visual rehabilitation

logo realter verde e azzurro, sulla sinistra il viso stilizzato con addosso un visore colorato
  • SIGLA Group
  • Ggallery
  • FOS Greentech
  • IIT, University of Genoa (DIBRIS)
  • Chiossone Institute
loghi in png da sinistra quello dell'unione europea, della repubblica italiana, di regione liguria e di FESR, per il progetto realter cofinanziato dal fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale 2014-2020

Augmented Reality device for visual rehabilitation

Realter, an Augmented Reality-based simulator for reproducing different forms of low vision to support the training of visual rehabilitation workers. Realter was created with the aim of developing an augmented reality-based simulator capable of reproducing different low vision conditions that can be set up for operators specialising in the rehabilitation of visually impaired people. The variety and subjectivity of symptoms, coupled with the impossibility of fully understanding how people with low vision perceive their surroundings, makes it difficult to provide customised guidance.

schermata dei deficit perimetrici del
foto di una finestra deformata da un effetto ottico centrale di non messa a fuoco
REALTER allows the specialist to see the world through the patient’s eyes and to develop tailored re-education strategies. The device can be used in real environments, is portable and consists of a VR headset, a video camera and a wearable PC. The device is based on AR technology and is equipped with an eye tracker capable of simulating changes in visual ability in real time by modifying and deforming images of the external environment in relation to the direction of gaze.

The Project was co-financed by a POR FESR 2014-2020 grant from the Liguria Region.

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