Museo Casa di Dante

Unione Fiorentina Museo Casa di Dante

  • Unione Fiorentina Museo Casa di Dante
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Digital Strategy
  • Digital Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Interactive Installation
  • Graphic Design
  • Content Production
  • 3D Production
  • Video Production
  • Virtual Tour

A space dedicated to Dante, the man, fighter and poet; a technological relocation permitting visitors to identify with his art

Within the new Casa di Dante museum layout, the visitor spaces are coordinated with each other with strong underlying narrative links. The contents, in Italian and English, are conveyed with the use of different technological solutions created for the visit route that allow the use of different narrative keys and provide different levels of in-depth analysis.

The first floor of the tour is entirely dedicated to learning about Dante‘s life as a public man in medieval Florence. The second floor delves deep into the thought of Dante, man of letters and writer, father of the Italian language. The poet’s bedroom is reproduced here, a place of intimate investigation and the true heart of the house. The second room, on the other hand, envelops visitors with an engaging and emotional rereading of the Divine Comedy. The rooms on the top floor act as an invitation to go outside, continuing to seek out the spirit of Dante’s medieval Florence as he strolls through the streets of his city.

Fotogramma del virtual tour in una stanza del Museo casa di Dante, tour realizzato da ett
Fotogramma del virtual tour in una stanza del Museo casa di Dante con il leggio interattivo

Experience Dante’s Florence

In the atmosphere of the house, through a virtual reality visor, it is possible to fully immerse oneself in the images and views that characterised the city of the Supreme Poet in his time, deepening the view of interiors and exteriors. The exhaustive narrative of the works, the city and the vicissitudes that marked Dante’s life is here reproduced and enhanced thanks to various technologies.

Having crossed the threshold, in the form of an avatar it is Dante himself who welcomes visitors inside the house, introducing himself in a video as a poet and father of the Italian language, but also a man of his time. The features of his face come to life thanks to 2D Computer Graphics, the words, accompanied by an evocative musical base, invite us to grasp the breath of universality, but also of great humanity that Dante’s work has given us.

In the first room, the holographic display (holobox) showing Dante’s face, reconstructed three-dimensionally on the basis of iconographic sources, is impressive. By rotating, the face will show itself from every angle, revealing Dante’s famous profile.

An interactive library, consisting of a wall-mounted touch monitor, allows users to consult three virtual volumes at a touch: ‘The Alighieri Family’, ‘Dante the Political Man’ and ‘The True Face of Dante’.

The avatar of Buonconte da Montefeltro describes the events from his own point of view, placing himself within a broader narrative, that of the Battle of Campaldino, in the immersive room. The narration, realised with a mix of drone shots, actors, computer graphics illustrations and original music, is designed to excite visitors with a real leap back in time, accompanying them through the events of the famous and bloody battle.

Touch and touchless stations, backlit panels, immersive projections and masked projection, designed to emotionally engage the visitor, follow one another in the subsequent rooms.

The second avatar to intervene inside the museum is that of Brunetto Latini, inserted in a ‘talking picture‘, i.e. a large screen, installed in portrait mode, on which the video of the character is reproduced, addressing the visitor directly as soon as he arrives on the second floor.

Next, the Divine Comedy room replays the entire Dantean journey with fascinating and immersive technology. With the lights off, on a large book in the room, the journey is reproduced through an effective immersive projection. The book seems to leaf through itself, as the infernal, purgatorial and paradisiacal images flow by, accompanied by Dante’s carefully selected verses, read by the voice of Francesco Pannofino. The figures on the pages, taken from numerous iconographic sources and illustrations at the Commedia, come to life with great realism, thanks to meticulous CG work. The experience, accompanied by a sound carpet composed ad hoce of effective musical suggestions, is a moment of great emotional impact.

Wearing Virtual Reality visors on the 3rd floor, visitors locate the main buildings present in the medieval period and still recognisable today, and from these they move on to a 360° view of contemporary Florence.

A touch monitor provides a visual insight into the evolution of the city over the centuries, thanks to an impressive selection of panoramic views.

proiezione della battaglia di campaldino al Museo Casa di Dante
Ragazza che osserva una proiezione olografica installata da ETT presso il Museo Casa di Dante a Firenze

Virtual Tour

The project also included the creation of a Virtual Tour of the Museum, available on the Museum’s main communication channels, created using Matterport technology. The tour allows visitors to move freely through the different rooms, selecting the in-depth content to be enjoyed thanks to hotspots. The online visit constitutes both a preparation for the real visit and a post-experience, in a continuous interpenetration between real and virtual that prolongs the relationship between the institution and the visitor.

Start the tour


VR stations

The top floor of the Museo Casa di Dante houses 16 Virtual Reality stations that allow the visitor to walk through the streets of Florence, starting right from the home of the Poet. A narrative voice accompanies the experience, reading an emotional text written by the writer and Dante scholar Dario Pisano.

Leaving the museum, the itinerary retraces Dante’s main sites, starting with the Baptistery, to bring the visitor back to the present and then on to medieval Florence in the places representative of the families that held political power.

The 360° journey closes with a panoramic flight over the city, observed from a new and evocative point of view, a scena real thanks to a drone that allows the visitor to fly realistically, thanks to the visual power of virtual reality images.

All filming was carried out with specific 360° cameras, using a complex direction to enhance the VR experience from multiple points of view and with different filming techniques.

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