Lamborghini MUDETEC

  • Lamborghini
  • Digital Strategy
  • Mobile App

An app that brings the Lamborghini museum to life through augmented reality: a way to take a closer look at the history of a famous Italian brand

A plunge into Italian motoring excellence

The multimedia guide of the MUDETEC – Museo delle Tecnologie – is the new app developed by ETT to allow visitors to the Lamborghini museum to immerse themselves in the discovery of the iconic models and engineering innovations that have marked the history of the illustrious brand.
Through the audio guides, the user will be led through the museum spaces, retracing the chronological line that links the classical to the modern models.

grafica preview app MUDETEC

Augmented reality makes engines roar

Not only will users be able to discover the exciting stories through the audioguide, but thanks to augmented reality, they will be able to interact with the cars on display, both inside and outside the museum, thus enjoying a unique experience that will give them the feeling of being able to touch the history of the famous Taurus brand.

By framing the entrance ticket, the user will see the interactive 3D of one of the models on offer appear on his or her device: he or she can open the doors, change the body colour and freely explore the exterior and interior.

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