I Pini archaeological area - App

Municipality of Sirolo

  • Municipality of Sirolo

  • App Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Video Production
  • Digital Strategy

Two themed routes – “Sirolo and its Beauty” and “Pine Grove Area” – diversified for adults and children, a journey into the past thanks to the technology of the present and the future.

The app developed by ETT promotes the municipality of Sirolo and the archaeological area “i Pini” and was created as part of the “Enhancement of the places and paths of the Picena civilization” project.
The main section of the mobile app is an interactive guide that, using augmented reality techniques, allows for an engaging and engaging visit to the Piceno archaeological area located in the municipality of Sirolo.

The Menu consists of 2 thematic routes [Sirolo and its beauties; Area dei Pini], diversified for Adults or Children. Each itinerary contains a list of points of interest (churches, walls, public buildings, beaches, etc.), whose details include text, photos, location on Google Maps, and the possibility of activating Augmented Reality via QR code.

In the Augmented Reality video, an actress plays Queen Numate (whose tomb was found at the site in 1989), recounting the history and curiosities of the place, its people and the grave goods that accompanied her on her final journey.

quattro mockup dell'applicazione per l'area archeologica i Pini, partendo da sinistra: la schermata in cui avviene la scelta tra percorso adulti o bambini sullo sfondo di un disegno in negativo blu e azzurro di un edificio simbolico, seconda schermata del percorso bambini in cui poter scegliere tra tre diversi itinerari con le rispettive foto, terza schermata una donna attrice nei panni della regina numanate che racconta la vita delle sue genti, ultima schermata la spiaggia due sorelle con nella parte superiore la foto della costa dall'alto, sotto il bottone da cui poter aprire la mappa e in basso la descrizione della zona

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