Antiquarium - Nervia Archaeological Area
Direzione Regionale Musei Liguria
- Direzione Regionale Musei Liguria
- Content Production
- Video Production
- Interactive Installation
- Multimedia Set-up
- Design/Manufacturing
- 3D Production
- Accessibility
- Digitalization
A journey into the heart of ancient Albintimilium, enriched by advanced technological solutions for a unique experience
At the entrance, an introductory videowall greets visitors with a multilingual video that, through drone footage and 3D reconstructions, showcases the layout of ancient Albintimilium within the modern urban fabric of Ventimiglia. An animated infographic highlights key details of the Roman city, such as its walls, cardo and decumanus, and prominent buildings, including the theater and thermal baths.
One of the standout features of the new exhibition is the “talking avatar.” Powered by artificial intelligence, this avatar replicates the voice of a member of the influential Apronia family from the ancient city. The avatar, displayed on a horizontal monitor, guides visitors through the site’s history, offering insights into archaeological discoveries and daily life in ancient Rome.
Interactive display cases further enhance the immersive experience, allowing visitors to explore artifacts such as an amulet pendant and a silver travel set from the 2nd/3rd century AD. Through overlaid digital content, visitors can uncover the historical functions and context of these items, as well as view similar objects from other parts of the world.
Another innovative feature is the interactive coin display, where visitors can explore 12 ancient coins on a touch table. Each coin can be selected to access detailed historical information about its origin, trade routes, and significance within the city’s economy. The coins are organized into thematic categories to facilitate research and provide a deeper understanding of the economic and social dynamics of the time.
One of the most captivating experiences is the multisensory 3D thermal baths station. By interacting with a physical model, visitors can feel the warm air that heated the Roman baths, making the functionality of the ancient heating system both understandable and tangible. This station also includes video content that illustrates Roman construction techniques and architectural inspirations, offering a comprehensive look at their use and technological advancements.
This inclusive and innovative approach has been designed to engage all visitors, including those with sensory disabilities, ensuring that everyone can fully appreciate the richness of the site.