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The ObsSea4Clim project Kick-off will take place on 13-14 March in Copenhagen. Hosted by the project coordinator DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute), the two-day meeting will bring together the project and associated partners, sister projects and international organisations.

ObsSea4Clim brings together key European and international players in ocean observing science, climate assessment, Earth System modelling, data sharing and standards, as well as users of oceanographic products and services.

Using six ocean climate application domains (sea ice loss, ocean transport, ocean stratification, sea level, ocean warming and heat waves, ocean mesoscale), regional observations will be transformed into an EOV/ECV framework suitable for regional and global climate products, ESM developments and indicators.

ETT, a partner in the project, is involved in WP 1 “ObsSea4Clim Data Management”. It will be responsible for leading a Data Management Plan to define how data should be collected, generated and processed in research activities to ensure the availability and usefulness of information.

Also actively participate in WP2 “Provision of EOV and ECV FAIR from in-situ observational data” which provides in situ observational data according to FAIR principles for essential oceanic and climatic variables by means of quality control procedures and methodologies based on the‘artificial intelligence aimed at assessing and improving data availability by ensuring reliability and accuracy.