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mostra di un'esposizione d'arte nel metaverso, un avatar intewragisce con lo spazio osservando i quadri sulle pareti

The success of MetaEffect, the virtual art exhibition we inaugurated in December in the metaverse, accessible on the Spatial platform, continues: over 1,500 hits to date. is one of the most widely used platforms for designing online metaverse. It integrates Ethereum’s Blockchain technology, through which you can store the value of your avatars, objects, and works. It offers a series of realistic and customisable 3D environments, with the possibility of uploading content created outside the platform in different formats.  

Users connect to the platform from a PC or visor, create their avatar and can start interacting with other visitors, just like in an actual exhibition. The AI work is mixed with the other works in ETT’s Meta Effect. None of these can be immediately attributable to the author, whose name is only accessible as an insight. 

The exhibition itself was created as research, a space of confrontation in which visitors are invited to question the role of human creativity and experimentation in the art world. 

Artificial Intelligence plays a fully-fledged creative role in the exhibition. The works were created using Midjourney, the software currently in an open beta version that allows images to be generated from textual input based on a language model called Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT).   Learn more about ETT’s metaverse.