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Liguria 4P Health (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, Participatory) is an eHealth/mHealth platform developed within the Liguria 4P Health project. The platform “accompanies the individual” on their journey through the prevention and care process, enhancing the quality and quantity of their life effectively and sustainably for the Liguria Regional Health System.

The results obtained from applying a module of the platform at the Galliera Hospital in Genoa were presented at the 35th National Congress of SIGOT (Italian Society of Geriatrics Hospitals and Territory), held virtually from June 16 to 18.

Liguria 4P Health is a project funded under the OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME REGIONAL 2014-2020 – Liguria Region and carried out by a consortium of companies consisting of MAPS S.p.a. (Lead Partner), ETT S.p.a., FOS Green Tech s.r.l., Impara s.r.l., Nextage s.r.l., Camelot Biomedical Systems s.r.l., and Netalia s.r.l., in collaboration with the University of Genoa, E.O. Galliera Hospital, and the National Research Council-CNR.

The project was born with the primary objective of developing an innovative mobile-health software/hardware product with a “core” component of artificial intelligence for analyzing both unstructured clinical data and real-time data acquired from wearable or environmental sensors for monitoring chronic patients and frail elderly individuals in their personalized care paths. This general project objective was translated into specific sub-objectives aimed at addressing various monitoring and assistance needs for major critical issues and pathologies. The use of such technologies and the ability to access them through a single integrated product usable via a cloud platform (thus eliminating the need for investments in infrastructure destined for obsolescence) could have a significant impact on making intensive observation and home care paths economically and technically manageable. This applies to a growing portion of the population without compromising the overall sustainability of the healthcare system.