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ETT, a company with Ligurian roots but a global presence and excellence in technology, also joins ONTM as a new Corporate Partner.

Since August, the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea has been enriched by a significant new presence with the entry of ETT S.p.A., a company of the SCAI Group. This Italian excellence has been active for over 20 years in the technology, Smart Government, Smart City and Research & Innovation sectors.

ETT plays a primary role in the Italian technology sector, acting as one of the main operators able to manage and put at system projects ranging from smart cities, smart GOV processes, up to digital transition and big data management: its contribution will be fundamental to the development of the many projects that the Observatory is carrying out in the technology field”. This is what Roberto Minerdo, Managing Director of Institutional Affairs and Communication of the Observatory said.

ETT CEO Giovanni Verreschi expressed great satisfaction: “The Corporate Partnership with the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea further enhances ETT’s experience in blue economy-related projects. The latest IoT, Big Data, AI, and ML technologies enable the integration, accessibility and interoperability of data and forecasts on the state of the seas and oceans. ETT has gained international experience and prestige in marine ecosystem and environmental monitoring projects (Coordinator of EMODnet Physics, technology partner for Chemistry and Ingestion in the European Marine Observation and Data Network programme, for the Marine Data Store – Dissemination Unit of the European Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service, for the Ocean Data View service of the European agency FRONTEX) and data-science in several European projects (NAUTILOS, SOCHIC, EuroSEA, Jerico S3 to mention the most recent ones). Our experience in actions that also involve local actors, such as the RAISE ecosystem – which promotes the development in the Ligurian context of an innovation ecosystem for the safety and protection of the territory, the inclusiveness of urban environments, and the sustainable development of port environments – has made us aware of the broad spectrum of activities that can be effectively shared in the digital transition underway”.

Finally, Federico Ottavio Pescetto, Vice President and National Secretary of ONTM concludes: “It is a source of pride for us that a company like ETT has decided to join our project. In fact, this confirms the goodness of our choice to dedicate ourselves to a new model of environmentalism based on the technological paradigm and on the awareness that dedicating oneself to the protection of the environment requires (before anything else) great technical skills capable of guaranteeing the merit of the innovative solutions proposed”.