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On October 7 and 8, 2021, the first virtual edition of the European Maritime Forum will be held, the event that places at its center a major focus on the Blue Economy in the Euro-Mediterranean context. Two days of conferences and an important networking opportunity to discuss on a social and scientific level topics such as the sustainability of our sea and our future.

We at ETT also fit into this juncture because of our long-standing involvement in this area. The exchange of ideas and projects related to the maritime sector and its applications is a great opportunity to publicize our initiatives, listen to those of others, and involve all partners and active entities in future and planned activities.

Antonio Novellino, ETT Research Manager, will be a speaker at the panel “Maritime Spatial Planning and Acquaculture” on Friday, Oct. 8.

Included among the initiatives of EUROPEAN MARITIME DAY 2021, this first edition of the BPE will explore the main issues related to the sustainable development of the global maritime economy such as renewable energy, ocean conservation, tourism, fisheries as well as mobility and logistics.