Pronti all'azione

Regione Siciliana

  • Regione Siciliana
  • Serious Game / Gamification
  • Design / Manufacturing
  • App Design
  • Interactive Installation
  • Event / Touring Exhibition

Creative and multimedia tools to serve the communication campaign Ready for action

An educational and playful experience aimed at raising awareness among citizens on resilience, prevention and risk reduction, organised by the Sicilian Regional Protezione Civile.

immagine divisa in 8 parti con diverse grafiche relative per ciascun rischio dell'applicazione per la protezione civile siciliana, da sinistra: sismico, vulcanico, incendi, ondate di calore, idrogeologico, industriale, sanitario, maremoto

ETT took care of the multimedia set-up of the stand inside the Civil Protection Village set up at the three Sicilian stops of the Pronti all’azione roadshow using technological and creative tools. In addition to the apps for iOS and Android devices and the Pronti all’Azione website – with fact sheets related to individual risks, educational videos in addition to and opportunities to play games-, for the national Civil Protection campaign ETT created an edugame – available on the website as well as at four locations in the Village, a multimedia station featuring themed visual content, and eight in-depth video lessons where an expert lecturer illustrated Civil Defense risks and how to deal with them.

scheda di approfondimento io non rischio

An edugame to raise awareness of risks and apply corrective actions that concur to play an active role in risk reduction and aim to develop a strong ethical and civic consciousness. The game takes the form of a puzzle game in which the user is asked to choose a scenario related to the Civil Protection’s 8 risk areas, within which to insert specific corrective elements that act on the effects of the risk itself on citizens. Only in the online version through the website and app, once all levels have been completed, will the player be able to view the final ranking of the last users who completed the game.

An in-depth multimedia application of Civil Protection risk areas in a single location with access to specific 3-minute videos.

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