  • MAPSAT srl
  • Soft S.r.l.
  • Tecno-In S.p.A.
  • MEDINOK S.p.A.
  • DAC (Campania Aerospace District)
  • ALI (Aerospace Laboratory for Innovative components)
  • SAM (Mediterranean Aerospace Company)
The Beneficiary Entities are: Mapsat Telerilevamento Euromediterraneo srl, Euro.Soft srl, Tecno In SpA, ETT SpA, Medinok SpA
vari loghi, da sinistra quello di pon, imprese e competitività 2014>20, por campania FESR 2014-2020, ministero dello sviluppo economico, regione campania

Multipurpose Ital-GovSatCom application Services for Emerging user Needs and Objectives

On 22/06/2020 the Project M.I.S.E.N.O.Multipurpose Ital-GovSatCom application Services for Emerging user Needs and Objectives – was launched. The project involves the participation of a partnership of five companies that responded to the Call for Proposals for the granting of financial assistance under the programme Accordi Innovazione per la Space Economy – co-financed with ERDF Funds PO FSC “Imprese e Competitività” 2014-2020 and POR FESR Campania 2014-2020 Asse I O. S. 1.2 – concerning a Research and Development activity aimed at the implementation of a technology belonging to the Space application sector.

In particular, the aim of the project is the development of a sustainable and smart Multipurpose Application Services Platform, capable of guaranteeing – in a rapid and continuous manner – an effective response to the management of emergencies in the territory, in areas lacking adequate coverage for communications and the exchange of information and data, either due to the absence of terrestrial networks (mountainous areas, etc.), or due to the fall of telecommunications following an emergency event, by exploiting the capabilities of the connectivity offer that will come from the Ital-GovSatCom satellite platform.

foto di un aereo giallo e rosso della securitè civile mentre è intento a gettare acqua per spegnere un incendio
due persone in ufficio davanti allo schermo di un computer mentre visualizzano un insieme di grafici
The objectives reached by MISENO contributed to the improvement of the innovation in the industry. Innovative products were developed and stand out for their uniqueness and ability to encounter the rising demands of the market through a proposal which aims at solving the problem of scarcity and the lack of connectivity during risk events. Besides the new technological solutions, these products opened a new business for the companies involved in the project. Moreover, a new dynamic and stimulating ecosystem of innovation was configured thanks to the collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between research institutions, private companies and public institutions.  By means of the implementation of efficient and focused project management practices, the established timeline and budget were respected guaranteeing high quality and reliable results.

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