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ricercatrice presso il pavilion di genova durante l'ocean hour moderata da antonio novellino

Sustainability, culture, tourism promotion.

Stage six of The Ocean Race. Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city and largest port, hosts the Ocean Live Park with the Genoa Pavilion promoting local excellence and involving numerous contacts through many meetings.

Today, on World Environment Day, the Pavilion hosted the important “Ocean Data Hour – Talk to a scientist” promoted by ETT with the support of the Danish Meteorological Institute and Aarhus University. Antonio Novellino, ETT R&D manager, chaired the proceedings. The afternoon closed with the poetic-musical performance by Claudio Pozzani, poet and director of the international poetry festival “Parole Spalancate” (Words Wide Open), and Valeria Bruzzone, singer and composer.

On Tuesday it is “Culture and Tourism Day” with a series of meetings dedicated to promoting Genoa culture and promoting Liguria as a tourist destination in the presence of tour operators, travel agencies and the specialised press. The event is organised by Agenzia InLiguria. Enrico Schelotto will speak for the Municipality of Albissola to describe the twinning and relations with the Danish city of Silkeborg. Gloria Piaggio, Director for Cultural Policies of the City of Genoa, will give the cultural presentation of the city, while Pietro Toso will describe the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli.

On Wednesday 7 June it is “Italian Day”, organised in cooperation with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Denmark. In the morning, there was a presentation and promotion of the economic fabric in Genoa and Italy, with particular reference to excellence in the field of sustainability. Genoa will be presented as an ideal place to live, work, study and do tourism. There will be interventions by representatives from numerous companies including ETT and STAM. The Chamber of Commerce of Genoa will be presenting the international B2B event to be held in Genoa on 30 June 2023 at the Jean Nouvel Pavilion, organised together with the Enterprise Europe Network. The lunch break will then be marked by the now traditional stage of the Pesto World Championship with Roberto Panizza, which will allow ten contestants to go head-to-head with their mortar, while dreaming of winning a place at the final in Genoa on 2 July.