According to the journalists of Conde Nast Traveller, the Fellini Museum ranks first in the list of the world’s best museums in 2022.
The Fellini Museum dedicated to the director’s genius ranks first in the list of seven “Best New Museums in the World” for Italy.
The technical design of the museum’s multimedia and immersive installations was created thanks to the synergetic work of several partners, including ETT for the hardware supply.
“Federico Fellini’s films are extravagant and fantastic, often blurring the boundaries between imagination and reality. It is fitting, then, that the director’s museum in Rimini (his home town, about three hours east of Florence) is itself a kind of dreamscape. Stretching between two historical buildings and a piazza, the Fellini Museum is a truly immersive experience: images appear on the walls when visitors blow on a feather, fountains spray mist to mimic the director’s fog-filled cinematic landscapes, and guests are invited to lie on a giant sculpture of Anita Ekberg. La dolce vita, indeed”.
This is the comment of journalist Caitlin Morton, but the journalists from all seven international editions of the world’s most distinguished travel monthly magazine were the ones who put him on the hot list.
A few months after its inauguration, even the New York Times had described it as “bizarre, fantastic, and sumptuous”, emphasising the modernity of the museum, its installations and interactive screens to engage even the youngest audience who had not had the opportunity to see Fellini’s films directly at the movie theatre.
Below is Condé Nast Traveller’s Best Museums 2022 page.