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As of Tuesday 23 November, the RUNTS information portal will officially go live. RUNTS is the access point for information and documents of the Single National Register of the Third Sector created by Infocamere under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.

Created as a showcase site, RUNTS features a bilingual (Italian and German) version and was created according to the design standards indicated by the latest Agid guidelines for PA thematic sites. In addition, it integrates requests for the Rest services offered by Infocamera, for the use of data directly from the Official Register.

The primary purpose of the RUNTS portal is to promote the existence of a Third Sector Entity (ETS) and to disseminate basic data concerning its structure and activities. It therefore meets the needs fortransparency and legal certainty.

It features a service Access link that redirects the user to external applications for managing the entry. This makes it possible to access the facilities provided for the third sector and offers the user the possibility of entering into agreements with public administrations in order to stage social activities or services of general interest for third parties.

To complement this, the Regulations section allows the user to search the regulations based on their chronological order of publication, while the News section informs the public about the main new developments using search filters based on text and date.