Villae - Villa d'Este

Regione Lazio – POR FESR 2014-2020

  • Regione Lazio – POR FESR 2014-2020
  • Graphic Design
  • Content Production
  • 3D Production
  • App Design

The magic of Villa D’Este always with you: A new multilingual App that takes the visitor to discover the Villa and its wonderful garden

Discover the villa with Ippolito II d’Este

A new multilingual App that takes the visitor to discover the Villa and its wonderful garden, including audio, video and special contents: AR and VR. Two paths guide the visitor, the MYTH and THE FOUNTAINS, here it will be Cardinal Ippolito d’Este himself to tell about and show the incredible feat that brought to completion the UNESCO site, an undisputed masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance.

The App also includes a sensory path, where the most beautiful sounds of the Villa’s fountains are collected, a small gift to take home once the visit is over.

The visitor is accompanied by Cardinal Ippolito II in an engaging storytelling discovery of the Villa, in which insights and curiosities are interwoven in a sensorial narration of the wonders of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Myth Path winds its way through the physical spaces of the Villa, and consists of an immersive journey guided by Cardinal Ippolito II d’Este himself, who takes the visitor on a discovery of the wonders of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, including video, audio and special contents, such as the the 3D reconstruction of Diana’s Grotto, inaccessible for years and now virtually visitable, and augmented reality contents including the reconstruction of the collapsed part of the Seven Hills, the background to the Rometta Fountain.

Un percorso che si intreccia tra miti e racconti, dove le allegorie nascoste che hanno ispirato la Villa, saranno svelate, per una comprensione profonda dell’incredibile progetto voluto dal Cardinale, ideato dal pittore-archeologo-architetto Pirro Ligorio e realizzato dall’architetto di corte Alberto Galvani. Una mappa del sito, sui cui sono segnalati i diversi punti di interesse che contengono approfondimenti, aiuterà il visitatore a orientarsi all’interno delle stanze affrescate e all’esterno, nel suggestivo giardino.

The Fountain Route, on the other hand, is a small gift that visitors can take with them at the end of their visit. Here are recordings containing the sounds produced by some of the Villa’s most spectacular fountains, which, with their unique water plays, create incredible melodies. These can be played freely by the visitor, recreating the unique atmosphere of the Villa’s magical garden at a later date, wherever he or she wishes.

tre schermate dell'app Villae sviluppata da ETT
quadro nello sfondo di un papa e smartphone con app Villae sviluppata da ETT

State-of-the-art UX, research and innovation at the service of Italian cultural heritage

The CHeMP platform makes it possible to convey within it all the information necessary to enable innovative and integrated management and enjoyment of Cultural Heritage through the use of new and more advanced immersive and interactive technologies (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality). hrough the use of an APP, tourists will be able to access an experiential path within the cultural site and a series of multimedia content with high added value, such as digital reconstructions of the works involved (BIM models), thus offering the end user a new and engaging way to enjoy Cultural Heritage.

scritta App Villa D'Este La magia di Villa D'Este sempre con te e due immagini dell'app sviluppata da ETT

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