Vicinato a Pozzo

Comune di Matera

  • Comune di Matera

  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Content Production
  • Serious game / Gamification
  • Video Production
  • Interactive Installation

The immersive exhibition designed for the Park of the History of Man, an evocative journey through the forgotten aspects of life in the Sassi of Matera

The multimedia experience created by ETT per il Vicinato a Pozzo di Rione Malve aims to recount not only daily life at the time of the Vicinato, a typical urban conformation of Matera, but also the profound social changes that took place from the second half of the last century, when living conditions in the Sassi became the focus of national attention.

The Neighbourhood at Pozzo becomes an open-air museum

Seven environments of the Vicinato a Pozzo, a historical locality of Matera at the Park of Human History, come to life through facts, documents, words and emotions thanks to multimedia installations and immersive outdoor projections. The story is structured as a dialogue between opposites, which come together to narrate the contradictions, values and millenary persistence of a timeless place. The contrast between the outside and the inside, between information and interaction, between day and night offers visitors the intimate and intimate nature of daily life and changes over time in the neighbourhood (‘A Vicinanza).

The multimedia set-up includes immersive projections that combine rare film content, actorly interpretations of the protagonists of the ‘Matera-Laboratory’ and graphic design elaborations.

Slider in una sala con parete rocciosa presso la mostra immersiva ideata da ett per il Parco della storia dell’Uomo tra i Sassi di Matera a Vicinato a Pozzo
donna con libro nelle video proiezioni presso la mostra di vicinato a pozzo a matera

Video projections and technology to experience the ancient atmosphere of the Sassi

Court of Vicinato a Pozzo

Upon entering the Vicinato a Pozzo, visitors are greeted by visual which, in the form of words, are spread out in the sun as Matera’s women used to do with laundry. At the same time, sound suggestions enliven the courtyard, thanks to a diffuse sound system that, with ambient sound transmitted in a loop, reproduces the typical hubbub of the 1950s neighbourhood, a lively place teeming with people.

Civic 60 – Entry Point

In addition to the classic form of reception, the first room inside the tour features a Slider, consisting of an 86″ monitor sliding on a track in front of aLightbox, a fabric wall panel, backlit and graphed to represent the profiling of the current city of Matera. The sliding of the monitor on the track is intercepted by an NFC tag reader placed on the back of the monitor and necessary for the reading of further NFC tags housed inside the grafic wall. Each NFC tag in the graphic wall corresponds to a video content that is activated interactively by the visitor by sliding the monitor along the track. The video content anticipates the contents of the four Parks that make up the Park of the History of Man, intriguing the visitor and preparing him for a broader visitor experience.

In relation to the Park of Rural Civilisation, a diserious gaming station offers an in-depth look at the production of bread, a symbol of rural civilisation. Through a 55″ capacitive touch monitor, the visitor accesses detailed content activated by 5 cards containing NFC tags and reproducing photographs of typical bread stamps. An NFC tag reader recognises the card chosen by the visitor and activates its in-depth content on the traditions and iconography related to bread stamps. At the end of the gaming experience, the visitor can create his or her own personalised stamp and insert it into a card with vintage graphics that can be sent to his or her e-mail address, like a modern souvenir with an antique flavour.

tavolo interattivo con carte presso vicinato a pozzo, a matera
tavolo interattivo con carte presso vicinato a pozzo, a matera

Civic 66 – La Vicinanza

In the Civic, which introduces visitors to the heart of the narrative, the Neighbourhood comes to life in the voice of a woman who recounts the course of family life and the dynamics of ‘neighbourhood’ relations until the moment when public opinion becomes aware of the living conditions in the Sassi and the cyclical daily routine is interrupted by the arrival of scholars and journalists. Thanks to a wall-mounted Masked Projection dedicated solely to the voice of the Neighbourhood accompanying rare film material, even escaped censorship, visitors are introduced to the discovery of the Neighbourhood as an unusual social structure.

Civic 61 – Carlo Levi

The Civic is dedicated to the author whose works succeeded in telling the world about the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Sassi, bringing to light not only the misery and harshness of peasant life but also the ancestral values and dignity that pervaded it. Thanks to Masked Projection on the front wall, Levi narrates the awakening of Italian intellectual consciousness, with the support of images showing the detail and realism of his pictorial work.A Masked Projection on the side wall presents an evocative graphic animation, in which the key words of Levi’s thought take shape and remain imprinted in the memory. The Multi-projection on non-contiguous walls is made possible by a synchrony management system.

Civic 62 – Adriano Olivetti

The Civic dedicated to the entrepreneur and president of INU describes the line of thought that led him to realise that the needs of the inhabitants of the Sassi, both urban and social, could not be met with a design intervention dropped from above. This thinking led him to create an interdisciplinary team that analysed the cultural dynamics of the neighbourhoods and included representatives of the population in the drafting of plans for new housing solutions. Olivetti presents his thought, which is still relevant today, with a Masked Projection on the front wall, while a Masked Projection on the side wall offers graphic suggestions accompanying words and images. The Multi-projection on non-contiguous walls is made possible by a synchrony management system.

Proiezioni su parete rocciosa di una grotta presso la mostra immersiva ideata da ett per il Parco della storia dell’Uomo tra i Sassi di Matera a Vicinato a Pozzo

Civic 65 – Lidia De Rita

The psychometric investigation of the Vicinati system, the social relations between the families that inhabited them and the bond characterising the ‘bond of proximity’, linked to the uniqueness of the urban structure, are recounted in the Civico dedicated to the young psychologist from the University of Bari. With a Masked Projection on the front wall, the visitor gets to know the positive aspects of the sharing capacity of a living, breathing society.

Civic 63 – Friedrich Friedmann

This Civic deals with difficulties that the German-born sociologist faced in relation to the need to move impressive numbers of people from their homes and living habits into new housing solutions. Friedmann recounts the first example of the application of the social sciences to town planning, in which the study of the territory anticipates the design, thanks to a frontal Masked Projection on tripoline cloth that presents evocative images of life in the new La Martella suburb.

Civic 64 – Una notte al Vicinato

In the last Civic of the route, visitors are invited to sit down, revisiting the visitor experience and touching the deepest emotional and cognitive chords. The narration is entrusted to Masked Projection in an immersive multi-projection on contiguous walls . The technological solution, created using Five synchronised projectors and a skilful sound design conveyed by directional speakers bring to life dreamlike suggestions from the book ‘La vita agli Inferi’ (Life in the Underworld) by Nicola Morelli, a sculptor and essayist from Matera. The video projections create suggestions and emotions in each visitor, transforming the story into experience while, in the darkness, a mingling of characteristic sounds and smells transforms a few minutes into an entire night spent among the Sassi.

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