50 years of Unicoop Firenze: a history of people

  • Unicoop Firenze
  • Content Production
  • Exhibition Design
  • Video Production
  • Sound Design

A two-wall video projection system that enhances the exhibition design and the dialogue between nature and architecture

On the occasion of Unicoop Firenze’s 50th anniversary exhibition, ETT created a multimedia installation at the Stazione Leopolda.

The space hosts a video installation that tells the story of the beauty of Tuscany – Florence, Fiesole, Lucca, Volterra, Pistoia, Prato, San Gimignano, Val d’Orcia and the Chianti area – from a dual perspective: the landscape and the more human one, with glimpses of villages, towns, nature and homes, accompanied by music that alternates delicacy with majestic and lyrical moments.

parete sui toni del rosso all'interno dell'allestimento nella stazione leopolda per i 50 anni di Unicoop Firenze, sulla parete di destra proiezioni dei paesaggi toscani

Its narrative focuses on the history of the cooperative, represented as a tree: the immersive journey starts from the roots, the origins of the cooperative, crosses the stem, where images and drawings catapult the visitor directly from the early 1970s to the beginning of the third millennium, and arrives at the crown of the tree. A metaphor meant to represent Unicoop Firenze‘s past, present and future.

The video installation affects the two boundary walls, within which is the physical layout, with a total of 70 meters of continuous projected surfaces. The music alternates delicacy with majestic and lyrical moments. For the continuous wall, 7 projectors with short optics were installed to illuminate the entire surface and 2 workstations and achieve a single projection for the entire length of the wall. For the wall with the arches, template panels were made, which allowed mapping video projection within the niches.

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