  • Astir
  • OpenLab
  • IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
  • Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation– ONLUS
  • University of Milan-Bicocca
  • Carlo Cattaneo University
logo stid: HUB, SMART Touch ID, sullo sfondo delle linee colorate verde, rossa e lilla

A device that assesses the executive functions of frail people with virtual reality

Smart&Touch-ID (STID) is a project funded by the Lombardy Region thanks to an ERDF contribution (POR FESR 2014-2020 Call HUB Research and Innovation Action I.1.b.1.3), which aims to innovate the patient rehabilitation process by bringing together partners with different but complementary skills. The core of the initiative is the development of a platform aimed at patients, citizens, health system actors and technology companies in the rehabilitation sector.

The partners involved are three companies (ETT, Astir and OpenLab), two scientific research and care institutions (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli and Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi – ONLUS) and two universities (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca and Università Carlo Cattaneo).
This partnership brings together health, social, technology and management expertise, from analysing patient and carer needs, through economic and sustainability assessments, to developing technological solutions.

The Smart&Touch-ID platform, implemented by ETT, is the central point where partnership initiatives are shared and the process of involving innovators and stakeholders is managed, from publication to sharing of results.

The project will issue Challenges to technology companies, acting as an incubator for ideas or prototypes that meet the needs of patient citizens. Four dimensions will be addressed: design and technology development; wellbeing effectiveness; clinical effectiveness; economic and organisational sustainability and regulatory compliance.

Mani che si stringono

Not only that, but best innovation practices are formed and established by offering discussion and mentoring on the technological solution in order to carry out a project that is consistent with both the innovator’s choices and the pathology of the application. Another important part of the platform are the Waves, i.e. ongoing surveys of the rehabilitation experiences and health and wellbeing needs of people with chronic illnesses.

The project aims to configure an ecosystem in which both the partners involved in proposing innovative solutions and the citizen-patient are active players. In order to best involve the latter, the aim is not only to provide them with a high level of rehabilitation treatment, but also to value the experiential aspect by optimising the technological solution with the integration of an ad hoc design and narrative component.

Smart&Touch-ID is so dynamic and evolving that it has already been endorsed by international organisations such as US, UK, Spanish, Romanian and Israeli research organisations and innovators. All this will ensure the strengthening of territorial rehabilitation, greater competitiveness of the healthcare system in response to the growing demand for rehabilitation and, consequently, greater continuity of care.

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