Risparmia l'acqua

Regione Siciliana

  • Regione Siciliana
  • Web Development
  • Interaction Design
  • Serious Game / Gamification
  • Strategic Communication

Immersive technologies to inform, sensitise and educate on the good practice of water saving

Virtual reality and immersive technologies are valuable allies in the information, education and awareness-raising campaign wanted by the Regione Sicilian on the conscious use of water.
During the Sicilian roadshow, which began in October 2022 and ended at the end of the year, ETT was able to bring around and show the immersiveness of an experience – between VR, gamification and touch screens – capable of bringing the public closer to the theme of water saving.
bambino che gioca con il totem all'evento risparmia acqua
Il van di Rispoarmio idrico

Thanks to the use of new technologies developed and provided by ETT, the visitor is guided through a highly educational path on responsible water consumption, stimulating individual and collective awareness of the need to change daily behaviour through the acquisition of the concept of a limited resource.

Among the communications actions planned by the contracting station is that of the creation of a traveling information roadshow in nine Sicilian provincial capitals, display islands equipped with digital apparatuses and immersive environments in which to enjoy specific exhibits on water saving specifically designed.

The first station features a touch application that presents some figures without any context. By selecting a figure, the user unlocks a detailed caption related to the figure in question, delving into institutional data and reports dedicated to Regione Siciliana in a clear, immediate and impactful way.

The virtual reality experience, which could be enjoyed through special visors, encapsulated in a single video 3 experiences characterized by a domestic and familiar dimension, so as to be fully readable and understandable by all participants: Kitchen – Bathroom – Garden. Each setting featured an infographic explaining and showing some virtuous behaviors.

The immersive room was created through a multiprojection on three walls lasting 5′. Alternating footage from real life, archival images and 2D animations, the images took participants on a journey of discovery of the water cycle, experiencing in a highly immersive way the transformation of the Planet as a result of climate change and the resulting water crises. Central themes were the Region of Sicily, and the millennial relationship that binds it to water.

The second station featured a touch application dedicated to gamification with a game divided into 3 moments: a puzzle through which to reconstruct some components of the water system, a memory to associate components and tools, and finally a multiple-choice quiz to challenge each other on the themes of the previous game phases.

To complete the experience, with the aim of raising awareness of responsible water consumption among children, an educational platform dedicated to schools has been created through which it is possible to access video lessons focused on raising awareness, of a scientific nature, on the issues of the campaign.

In addition, a mobile app that can be downloaded from the stores aims to provide citizens with a new model of agile, intuitive and recognizable communication that features different tabs to guide the user toward more careful and conscious consumption with an in-depth section related to daily actions and best practices on water saving.

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