Robotics and AI for Socio-Economic empowerment

RAISE is a PNRR – Next Generation EU – project that develops the Liguria Region’s Ecosystem for Innovation through scientific research and technological development of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics solutions. RAISE is organised according to the Hub & Spoke governance system and is divided into 5 areas of intervention on individual themes:

  • Spoke 1: design and development of technologies for the inclusive use of the urban and domestic environment
  • Spoke 2: development of robotic systems, prostheses, exoskeletons, devices and intelligent environments for personal care, including remote care
  • Spoke 3: development of robotic systems, techniques for energy storage and distribution, and systems for monitoring and preventing natural and man-made hazards
  • Spoke 4: monitoring and simulation systems, robotic and AI technologies for logistics and security in the port and marine environment
  • Spoke 5: Market transfer of knowledge generated by the ecosystem

RAISE builds on the competences of leading research institutes (CNR, University of Genoa and the Italian Institute of Technology) and a core group of highly innovative partner companies. ETT is a partner in RAISE and plays a key role in three (1-3-5) of the five focus areas in which the ecosystem is articulated.


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