OPEN Camera

Camera Centro Italiano per la fotografia

  • Camera Centro Italiano per la fotografia
  • Accessibility
  • Exhibition Design
  • Digital Design
  • Interaction Design

CAMERA is now a place where the experience of photography is defined by accessibility, openness and inclusion

The Open Camera project involved an architectural renovation of the spaces of the Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin and the creation of a new visual-tactile exhibition route. ETT took an active part in the definition of the multimedia project and realised a relevant part of the exhibition design: a permanent accessible pathway and multi-sensory experience dedicated especially to people with reduced visual abilities.

foto della lightbox, realizzata ed installata da ett, all'interno di open camera durante l'inaugurazione dell'esposizione multimediale permanente 'la storia della fotografia nelle tue mani'. Sulla destra della struttura la foto in bianco e nero di una donna preoccupata, sulla sinistra una descrizione su camera
foto di un monitor interattivo, realizzato ed installato da ett, con attaccate le cuffie, all'interno di open camera durante l'inaugurazione dell'esposizione multimediale permanente 'la storia della fotografia nelle tue mani'
Designed to improve the use of space and the visitor experience for audiences with special needs and disabilities, these interventions take the form of breaking down physical, cognitive and sensory barriers through technological and creative devices.
The layout of La storia della fotografia nelle tue mani is a Timeline through which visitors can discover the milestones in the development of photographic art.

The entrance features two walls lined with lightboxes and a 75-inch monitor. Both walls are backlit, and the monitor provides information about Workshops, Exhibitions, and other content or upcoming events.

Continuing the path inside Camera, visitors access the Timeline area, finding themselves facing a long corridor characterized by a static wall, a track with a base for multisensory visual-tactile panels and a structure for the installation of monitors of audio-directed devices, and a dynamic one that is developed through the presence of two 43” touch monitors for the purpose of offering visitors the possibility to navigate on Immaginarium, Camera’s digital content portal or to delve into its contents.

In fact, in addition to the permanent exhibition, the project features significant renovations of spaces and flows, which aims to eliminate architectural barriers and make CAMERA a relaxing space, capable of creating a dimension of psychophysical well-being in which everyone and everyone can modulate their visit experience according to their individual times and needs.

fotografia all'interno di open camera durante l'inaugurazione dell'esposizione multimediale permanente 'la storia della fotografia nelle tue mani' in realtà si tratta di pannelli visivo-tattili, il tutto corredato da didascalie in braille
The exhibition “La storia della fotografia nelle tue mani” is a permanent multisensory path – unique in Italy – that also allows blind or visually impaired people to enjoy the texts, images and digital content by listening, looking or touching.

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