Museo dell’Orrido - Ca’ del Diavol

Municipality of Bellano

  • Municipality of Bellano

  • Exhibition Design
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Content Production
  • Video Production
  • 3D Production
  • Virtual Tour

A multimedia journey between magic and legend

Cà del Diavol, the enigmatic tower at the entrance to the Orrido di Bellano, is now a museum and multimedia trail set up and designed by ETT on 3 floors that narrates the history and origins of the Bellano area through immersive elements.

Foto della stanza del museo dell'orrido con la proiezione sul muro di fiamme, un libro interattivo al centro su un piedistallo e a destra il quadro parlante di Sigismondo Boldoni, allestimento realizzato da Ett
foto in bianco e nero di un mezzobusto di un uomo seduto nella postazione vr della ca'del diavol al termine del percorso di visita realizzato da ETT

On the ground floor, the visitor is greeted by the welcome video animation of the historical figure of Sigismondo Boldoni, a Bellanese historian who stayed in the tower. During the narration, the visitor receives information about Ca’ del Diavolo and the figure of the poet and then is invited to discover the Orrido and the Bellano area and to continue the tour of the upper floors by delving into the themes of nature, geology and territory.

On the 4 screens placed on the sides of the room, embedded in a backlit lightbox, the visitor is “immersed” in the discovery of the Bellano area through sound videos, images and information on its geological conformation, and the history of Bellano places, water exploitation and industrialization, the evolution of the Orrido from a tourist point of view up to the construction of the new footbridges.

On the opposite wall is a monitor that transmits in real time the image of the ipcam placed in the vicinity of the waterfall positioned at the end of the Orrido gorge.

On the second floor, it is again the voice of Sigismondo Boldoni who narrates from a monitor the legend of the Pesa Vegia: a historical re-enactment in costume that is celebrated every winter and takes us back to the time of Spanish rule. At the same time some projections animate the room: the fireplace is lit with the sound of wood crackling and the starry sky appears, and finally the book is animated with evocative stock images, transforming it into an immersive experience.

Moving on to the third floor, the tour comes to an end: visitors access the immersive platform where they can try the multisensory experience in VR and 360° of the Orrido and the territory. The video, which begins with the words of Sigismondo Boldoni taking his leave and wishing him a safe journey, allows visitors to travel backwards along the course of the river: starting from the museum, they arrive at the gorge, the course of the Pioverna, the stream that eroded the canyon 15 million years ago, and then on the summit of the Grigna, to return to the museum passing along Lake Como.

At the end of the virtual reality experience, visitors can frame the QR code that appears on the lightbox located in the room to learn more about Bellano and the Pesa Vegia re-enactment.

The use of VR technology, moreover, is grafted into a unique visitor path, making the experience of the Orrido and the surrounding area not only accessible to anyone, but also emotionally and educationally impactful.

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