Modigliani Opera Exhibition

Amedeo Modigliani Foundation

  • Amedeo Modigliani Foundation
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Event / Travelling exhibition
  • Content Production
  • Video Production
  • 3D Production
  • Digital Strategy

Looking at the life of one of the twentieth century’s most iconic Italian artists as an international immersive experience

Art and technology from Liverpool to the the Royal Palace of Caserta

Modigliani Opera is a multimedia and immersive travelling exhibition dedicated to the genius of the great cursed artist Modì that integrates 180-degree cinema, 4k video screens and virtual reality. Realised in collaboration with Space and the Amedeo Modigliani Foundation, the exhibition was hosted, in its first stages, in Liverpool and in the prestigious location of the Reggia di Caserta.
The exhibition narrates an extraordinary journey through the life and works of the artist through the use of multiple narrative codes: a scenographic set-up, an immersive multi-projection, narrating avatars and virtual reality visors are just some of the elements that are articulated in a pathway of six environments. An exhibition that reconstructs the milestones of the artist’s biography through his childhood, education, travels, lifestyle, women, art, through the testimonies and anecdotes of the people who surrounded him.
esterno della Reggia di Caserta con i banner della mostra di modigliani, progetto ett
Progetto render della Mostra Modigliani Opera Vision, realizzato da ett

Multimedia installations design the exhibition route

The exhibition includes a close interaction of visitors with the life and works of the painter, thanks to the use of a virtual reality room, a room with holograms and an arena equipped with a 360° video where an immersive docufilm on the artist’s world is projected. Curated by ETT, the multimedia installations are designed to give all visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the life and work of the master of Italian art.

The exhibition is divided into modular rooms marked by backlit panels that accompany the visitor through the themes of the rooms, and with the use of multiple narrative codes and different multimedia technologies present the journey through Modigliani‘s life and works. Each element is designed to adapt to different contexts and spaces according to requirements. A 19-metre timeline explores the most important moments in Modigliani’s life in relation to the historical and cultural context.
Engaging and immersive is the space dedicated to virtual reality with its 20 stations, in which visitors can step into the shoes of the artist and experience first-hand the places and atmospheres of the time. On the other hand, the educational room is dedicated to the fakes surrounding Modigliani’s story, with a video interview with Dr. Carlo Pepi, one of the leading experts on the artist’s work.
The true emotional core of the exhibition is the 360° multi-projection, a multimedia show realised through theatrical languages, computer graphics and 2D and 3D animations. This space, a strongly emotional arena about 10 metres in diameter, is anticipated by 4K monitors that welcome the most important characters in Modigliani’s life, who introduce us into their reality through an evocative actor’s narration, accompanied by original music
locandina Exhibition modigliani, sulla sinistra statua di modigliani, sulla destra ragazza con visore vr, modigliani virtual reality experience, realizzata da ett
modellino digitale 3d dell'installazione e dell'allestimento all'interno del museo per la mostra di modigliani

This is the first time that innovative and immersive technologies are being used to present the work of this important artist in a way that gives a completely new perspective to his work and life

Sergio BernardiVice Presidente della Fondazione Modigliani

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