Meta Effect

  • Content Production
  • Interaction Design
  • Digital Strategy

What is art? What is creativity? Can Artificial Intelligence be creative? Meta Effect is the first exhibition designed by ETT in the Metaverse. A virtual investigation into expressiveness that hosts the works of Paolo Bonfiglio, Mark Cooper, Gaia Midj and Corrado Zeni.

Meta Effect is the first exhibition designed by ETT in the Spatial Metaverse, a virtual environment that allows immersive experience of digital works, identified and chosen, in particular, by the crypto-artist communities linked to the world of NFT as the ideal Metaverse in which to grow. Within it, in fact, artists of all kinds, architects, advertising agencies and video production houses have begun to exhibit due to the high level of immersion with digital works, through an immersive use of them.

avatar che visitano The Meta Effect, la prima mostra d'arte realizzata da ETT nel metaverso

ETT’s Metaverse is designed as a real art gallery capable of housing 50 avatars that can move freely among the works. The Metaverse can be accessed through a link from one’s desktop, smartphone or Virtual Reality viewer and interact in real time with other visitors: when a user visits the exhibition, he or she is not isolated and can comment in real time on the works by sharing impressions and ideas with other visitors, through the use of their avatars and the activation of microphone and webcam.

The exhibition includes works by authors Paolo Bonfiglio, Mark Cooper and Corrado Zeni, as well as works created by the artificial intelligence of Gaia Midj. Algorithms are taking on characteristics of their own that make them capable of creating works of art. In this way, the exhibition offers a unique opportunity to explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence in the field of art and to promote debate on human and technological creativity. In Meta Effect, the AI work is mixed in with the other works, not making them immediately traceable to the author, whose name is only accessible as a background.

Enter the ETT Metaverse – The Meta Effect

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