Mauto Design

National Automobile Museum of Turin

  • National Automobile Museum of Turin
  • Interaction Design
  • Digital Strategy

Learn more about all the curiosities and the many stories related to Mauto collection

For the newly renovated Mauto, the National Automobile Museum of Turin, we designed the exhibition setting up with more than 20 interactive stations and related sound and video installations.

mostra dell'auto all'interno del mauto a torino con oltre 20 postazioni interattive e installazioni audio e video di ett, nella foto una proiezione sul pavimento e in lontananza sulle pareti
mostra dell'auto all'interno del mauto a torino, a sinistra modello di fiat 500 rossa e diversi oggetti sulla parete accanto, con dietro installazione video realizzata da ett su cui è riprodotto un occhio

Focused on the history and evolution of cars, the museum now delves into the social issues related to the cult of this means of transportation. The work, which lasted more than a year, was carried out in close contact with the curators of the museum and with the design group directed by François Confino and Studio LLTT.

The Design rooms are the beating heart of the museum: the space that tells the story of creativity at work, the idea that becomes substance. The layout is essential, immediate, technological and emotional. With a virtual journey, at the center of which is the visitor as the protagonist of the experience narrated by the designer, one comes into sensory contact with the crucial moments of design making.

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