Luzzati Experience

Teatro della Tosse - Fondazione Luzzati

  • Teatro della Tosse – Fondazione Luzzati
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Serious game / Gamification
  • Interactive Installation
  • Graphic Design
  • Event / Temporary Exhibition
  • Content Production
  • Video Production

An immersive journey into Luzzati’s life and works declined in the relationship between the artist and his city, Genoa

donne che osservano le proiezioni immersive realizzate da ETT per la Luzzati experience ospitata nel palazzo della Borsa a Genova
tavolo touch con app di gioco realizzato da ETT per la Luzzati experience ospitata nel palazzo della Borsa a Genova

To mark the centenary of his birth, in collaboration with Fondazione Luzzati-Teatro della Tosse and with the support of the City of Genoa and Regione Liguria, ETT presented Luzzati Experience, the first major temporary immersive exhibition dedicated to Emanuele Luzzati.

The splendid Art Nouveau setting of the Sala delle Grida at the Palazzo della Borsa in Genoa designed by Adolfo Coppede’ is the venue for this immersive exhibition.

A large 360-degree projection inside a circular ring, with large screens and ultra-high-definition video projectors, populated the room with new colors, creating for visitors an emotional journey into the world of Luzzati’s works, from set designs to stage clothes.

uomo alla luzzati experience nella sala allestita con  ledwall sulle pareti, proiezioni e tavolo touch al centro

In the adjacent Telegraph Room, a multimedia exhibit was set up on sliding monitors, rich in content (images and texts) that delved into the different moments of the artist’s life and career, as well as two touch stations to allow visitors to rediscover, in an interactive way, Luzzati’s biography and works and to be able to create their own drawings, composing a sort of collage with the most recurring characters and themes in a game suitable for everyone.

Genua Picta - proiezioni immersive sui palazzi dei rolli di via gariladi a genova in occasione del centenario dalla nascita di emanuele luzzati
disegno di luzzati con scritta Genua Picta, parte della proiezione immersiva realizzata da ETT per festeggiare i 100 anni dalla nascita di Luzzati

Genua Picta

Via Garibaldi, one of the grandest monumental streets in the heart of the city of Genoa, was lit up giving life to an open-air scene, with a Son et Lumière staging, in whichthe works of Emanuele Luzzati, projected onto the facades of the historic Palazzi and immersed in diffuse music, created a spectacular path.

Another Genoa, which citizens and tourists walked through on summer evenings, built with light and music through the artist’s works.

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