Per terra e per mare - National Archeologic Museum of Pontecagnano


  • Exhibition Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Digital Design
  • 3D Production
  • Sound Design
  • Video Production
  • Content Production

A new immersive room for the exhibition “By Land and Sea. Frontier Etruscans between Mobility and Integration”

Through the use of digital technologies in a specifically designed space, ETT was able to tell the exhibition’s key themes in an immersive way. The narrative of ancient Pontecagnano takes place through visual and sound reconstructions, through projections on 3 walls and a floor projection, exploring the themes of travel and human mobility, ideas, cultural patterns and craft skills. Part of the Museum’s permanent exhibition itinerary, this room enriches the cultural offerings and the individual and collective visitor experience of the ”Etruscans of the Frontier” collections. 

vasi presso il Museo Archeologico di Pontecagnano
sala immersiva presso il Museo archeologico di pontecagnano con proiezioni di ETT

The projections are concentrated on a specially designed paneling to match the existing structure of the hall and create an immersive and evocative environment to welcome visitors. To take full advantage of the space’s potential, a structural solution was chosen to accommodate and guide the viewer’s gaze, making it engaging and evocative

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