
IDROMARAMBIENTE with its solutions, equipment and services deals with the monitoring and investigation of seas and inland waters (rivers, lakes, aquifers, etc.).

ETT provides IDROMARAMBIENTE with an integrated solution for the management and processing of in situ operational monitoring data in the Mar Piccolo, a coastal lagoon north of the city of Taranto. 

ETT’s work consists of: 

  • Representation of stations on a map 
  • Visualisation of station status
  • Reception of measured station data
  • Data archiving
  • Displaying the latest data acquired in real time
  • Visualisation of data on graph and table

In summary, the company is involved in the design and development of a real-time data visualisation dashboard and in the management of this data in a customised and scalable manner thanks to its national and international experience in this field for more than 10 years. 


dashboard interattiva per l'analisi dei dati in sovraimpressione, dietro il busto di una persona che seduto alla scrivania è davanti al pc
una donna esamina attentamente i campioni a bordo di una barca, circondata dalle acque dell'oceano in condizioni di luce naturale.

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