Healthy City 4.0

  • La SIA S.p.A. 
  • ETT S.p.A. 
  • Dedalus Italia S.p.A.
  • Ameri S.r.l
  • Start 4.0

Healthy City 4.0 is committed to improving the quality and safety of healthcare services through advanced digital solutions to meet the challenges of protecting and managing patient data, changing regulations and physical security.

Emerging and highly innovative technologies such as Digital Twin, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will be used to better manage work stress, health emergencies, manual handling issues and reduce errors, accidents and injuries related to medical practices.

The solutions to be implemented in the project are designed to support the safety and quality of healthcare infrastructures, with a focus on medium-small facilities and nursing homes. Furthermore, the platform – created with the contribution of the project partners according to their expertise – is designed to be expanded over time through the integration of new modules in order to support the mission of the Health City Manager as an emerging figure of which Genoa is a pioneer in Italy.

In Healthy City, ETT will develop the language model based on Artificial Intelligence for the management of safety protocols that elaborate personalised responses to emergencies in the healthcare/assistance sector depending on the user’s role in the hospital.

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The core elements of the project 

  • Safety-by-design through the collection, development and application of safety and quality protocols through stakeholder involvement. 
  • Awareness and risk management to generate awareness of risks related to healthcare infrastructure with the development of a language model based on Artificial Intelligence 
  • Information usability and BIM models: at least three BIM (Building Information Modeling) models will be developed to highlight the critical points related to safety and quality of healthcare facilities.
  • Training of at least 50 users among healthcare professionals, patients and relatives through educational programmes on the use of new 4.0 technologies
  • Dissemination and communication of the results through activities that will help disseminate the results and ensure greater penetration of the solutions developed at national and international level.
dashboard interattiva per l'analisi dei dati in sovraimpressione, dietro il busto di una persona che seduto alla scrivania è davanti al pc

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