An educational and engaging video game for virtual educational visits
The educational videogame created for Unioncamere allows for an innovative and entertaining virtual visit to the Fruit and Vegetable Production Chain, including educational farms, fruit and vegetable markets and retail outlets.
The app is aimed at elementary school children and their families who, accompanied by friendly characters, are immersed in a fun and educational journey through the five stages of the production chain, from field to table.
Each specific moment – the agricultural field, processing and packaging, wholesale and retail types all the way to the table at home – allows for a graded approach to the learning content and allows for self-study tests and gives teachers the opportunity to expand on the topics covered in the classroom.
The game is available for classroom use with the teacher in the desktop version and in individual game mode in the mobile version for Android devices, which focuses on in-depth learning and exploration, including immersive 360-degree videos, 3D reality environments, in-depth insights, games, recipes and learning tests.