Castle of Santa Margherita Ligure

Municipality of Santa Margherita Ligure

  • Municipality of Santa Margherita Ligure

  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • Video Production
  • Content Production
  • Serious game / Gamification

A multimedia museum inside the 16th-century castle, the heart of the city’s widespread museum Museo del Mare

The multimedia exhibit at the 16th-century Castle in Santa Margherita Ligure tells the city’s seafaring history in an engaging and experiential way. An immersive experience both outside the Castle – in direct contact with the waters of the sea – and inside with a tour itinerary that illustrates the origins of the town, the characteristics and events of the fortress and leads into the mysterious depths of the marine area, discovering the fauna, flora and submerged artifacts.

The multimedia route, consisting of interactive gamification stations dedicated to children, immersive video projections, talking pictures and in-depth monitors, is divided into the hall on the ground floor and the area located in the basement of the building.

Attrice che impersonifica Giulia Centurione Scotto per la realizzaizone del quadro parlante all'ingresso dell'allestimento realizzato da ETT per il museo del mare di santa margherita ligure
Anfore nel museo del mare di santa margherita, che fanno parte dello spazio dedicato all'esperienza sensoriale, realizzato da ETT: "Scava e Impara"

At the entrance to the first room, the visitor is greeted by a series of monitors installed on either side of the entrance, the ‘talking pictures,’ in which the most important figures in the history of Santa Margherita Ligure and its Castle appear and tell their most significant events and anecdotes. The talking pictures allow the transmission of content regarding historical personalities, the events of the Castle and the territory, told from an unusual perspective.

An interactive station, located along the wall opposite the entrance to the hall, is dedicated to the Santa Margherita Ligure Museum Diffuso del Mare and allows visitors to consult, in a simple and personalized way, the various multimedia contents offered in dual languages. An interactive map leads visitors to the discovery of the area, in which the points of greatest interest related to the Museo Diffuso are highlighted, which runs under the open sky in the main places of interest in the town of Santa Maria Ligure.

The room hosts a wall-mounted video projection illustrating the history of the sixteenth-century Castle of Santa Margherita Ligure: from its construction, to its evolution with various structural interventions, to its loss of military importance during the eighteenth century, to its restoration at the end of World War I. Visitors can sit down, thanks to special seats located in the center of the hall, and immerse themselves in the history of the Castle.

Stepping down to the basement level, it is possible to dive even deeper into the exploration of museum themes and explore the topic of the sea, its seabed, its mysteries and the underwater archaeology artifacts found there, and sensory experiences find space.

The interactive station, placed in one of the alcoves of the hall, allows the visitor through a gaming touchscreen application the Dig and Learn game – to identify with the job of an underwater archaeologist and, by interacting, in a simple and intuitive way, with the surface of the screen, to discover and recover finds and objects – such as Amphora, Mortar and Cauldron – and reconstruct them digitally.

The additional three niches in the hall are set up with display cases, in which the main finds and objects discovered during underwater archaeology operations in the Santa Margherita marine area are displayed. The display of finds is enhanced by monitors showing a series of video content, fact sheets, and images that elaborate on their history, characteristics, and diving activities related to the find.

Next to the reproduction of the seabed, close to the column, a monitor is positioned showing a series of videos and images related to the seabed and its mysterious fascination provided by the Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendence of Liguria.

On the rock outcropping of the basement floor, light effects, reminiscent of the seabed and evoking its atmosphere, are reflected. The multimedia show Seabed Experience is realized through light projection effects and a background audio.

Gli allestimenti multimediali di ETT presso il castello cinquecentesco di Santa Margherita Ligure, due teche con anfore e sopra due schermi multimediali
Foto di due quadri di Guglielmo Marconi e V.G. Rossidei, due dei 4 quadri parlanti del Museo presso il Castello cinquecentesco di Santa Margherita Ligure, realizzati da ett

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