Brianza: an involving journey to the heart of design

Retipiù, Brianzacque

  • Retipiù, Brianzacque
  • Event / Temporary Exhibition
  • Exhibition Design
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Video Production

An enthralling, continuous and sequential journey through the history of design in Brianza through the history of its real protagonists: the furnishing objects

First step: Milano Fuorisalone

The first set-up of the exhibition was realised by ETT at BASE, a space at the Fuorisalon in Milan dedicated to design made in Brianza, in order to enhance a significant piece of Italy’s artistic and cultural heritage.
Brianza: an involving journey to the heart of design ” is a multimedia and multisensory journey among the pencils of great international designers, the entrepreneurial wisdom of companies, the skills of technicians and the manual skills of craftsmen, to discover the Brianza of design.

The design works will come to life on a projection screen that will run through the entire circular structure. The spectator, positioned in the centre, will see images of almost a hundred of the most significant objects and furnishings from the design scene born in Brianza, following 6 design research paths, flow around him.

  • Drawing the measure. On the screen objects designed according to solid basic geometric logic, using primary shapes and volumes, which refer to a rational systemic architectural thinking and tend towards minimalism.
  • Inventing objects. Original and innovative in terms of function, materials and colours, the projected objects will stimulate the user in an informal and playful way, suggesting new behaviour and a new way of experiencing the domestic environment.
  • The shapes of the useful. This includes objects that are easy to use and transformable, in which form is often suggested by function. Flexible and attentive to functionality, practicality and comfort, they are designed starting from the needs and requirements of the consumer.
  • From thinking to doing. Visitors can discover those products that synthesise the craftsmen’s manual skills, also with the use of new three-dimensional digital applications. These objects are designed and manufactured as if they were unique pieces, paying great attention to detail and the choice of materials.
  • Designing the archetype. The result of an educated and critical reinterpretation of archetypes present in the world of design and architecture, the projects in this itinerary evoke ancient customs and rituals, memories from the past, but realised with current materials and techniques that make them true classics.
  • Organic writings. To this path belong those objects conceived almost as living organisms, with fluid and continuous forms. Precisely because of the analogy between the forms of organic design and the human body, these projects come close to the anthropocentric principles that underpin the design process.
pannello arancione Brianza district a journey to the heart of design presso il fuorisalone a milano, progetto ett
dettaglio grafica Brianza district a journey to the heart of design presso il fuorisalone a milano, progetto ett

Philppe Daverio talks about design

Brianza’s rich and vibrant cultural heritage expresses its strength and presence in the area through various forms, including furniture design. Not only art and architecture, but also ideas aimed at creating furnishing objects that take shape and life thanks to the creativity of designers and the skills of highly innovative companies. And for the first time, the visitor is taken on a journey straight to the heart of this world; an immersive, multimedia journey made up of images, sounds and interviews in which the real protagonists are the furnishing objects. Enriching the narration is the contribution of art historian Philippe Daverio, who will introduce and virtually accompany the public on this multimedia journey through the history of design.

esterno del Brianza district a journey to the heart of design presso il fuorisalone a milano, progetto ett
cinema 360 all'installazione Brianza district a journey to the heart of design presso il fuorisalone a milano, progetto ett

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