Borgo Castello - Videomapping

Municipality of Andora

  • Municipality of Andora
  • Content Production
  • Video Production

A permanent installation that enhances the historic site of Borgo Castello by showcasing and promoting nature, events and recurrences of the area

The contours of two lovers, Andalora and Stefanello, in a video mapping projected on the facade of the Church of Saints James and Philip and the adjacent North Tower. A multimedia show made to be visible even from afar, it tells the legend from which Andora’s name would descend.

proiezione di un uomo e una donna nel medioevo sulla chiesa di borgo castello ad andora
render di una proiezione di un uomo su un precipizio con una spada su una chiesa antica

Using the technique of video mapping, the surfaces of the church were transformed into real screens, creating an immersive experience. The technique used – illustration animation – engages the viewer and enhances the wall textures of the church and tower and makes the scenes three-dimensional, while the accompanying music contributes to the immersiveness of the experience.

A dynamic and versatile tool, perfect in any indoor or outdoor environment, to draw magical and extremely emotional moments and drag the audience to another place and time.

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