The Battle of the Egadi Islands


  • MiBAC
  • Multimedia set-up
  • Exhibition Design
  • 3D Production
  • Video Production
  • Content Production
  • Digital Design

History like you’ve never seen before

New technologies at the service of history

The “Battle for the Egadi Islands,” hosted at the former Florio factory in Favignana, is a journey through the places and events that characterized the First Punic War. The exhibit starts in the exhibition room with five interactive touch screen panels, where objects are

displayed accompanied by films explaining their history, characteristics, functions and production techniques. The focus is on the precious artefacts found during research activities: amphorae, helmets and, above all, the undisputed protagonists of the story: i rostri.

This is followed by the environment dedicated to multimedia projections depicting six different narrative moments, perfectly synchronised within a 3D cinema hall. The great naval battle is recounted in a 9-minute high-resolution projection that combines the multimedia script with the testimonies of observers and commentators (ancient and modern) with colour, 3D animation and immersive audio content.

The aim is to take the visitor on an engaging adventure to discover history and thus create a combination of learning and emotion that will leave its mark, starting with in-depth scientific investigation and leading to a powerful and emotional experience.

dettaglio del tavolo touch per il progetto della battaglia delle isole egadi realizzato da ett nel museo
teche nel museo

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